My Neighbor Kerstin

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My Neighbor Kerstin

Post by angle »


First of all, please excuse my bad English. I am from Germany and not a native English speaker and I just don't have enough practice in speaking or writing in English. Especially the tenses and grammar is difficult for and me. Anyway, I hope you will understand what I'd like to say. Something about me, I am 35 years old, 180 cm, and I am single at the moment.

I don’t have any experience in recording people, but I have very cool story for you, if you are interested in reading it. It will be a very long story, but I think it is worth to tell you. Everything started in early 2016.

I live in a 7-floor apartment house. My apartment is located on 4th floor and in sum there are 60 apartments in the house. There are 4-room, 3-room and 2-room apartments. On the side where I’m am living there are the 4-room apartments. Right beside my apartment lives a woman, she is also single. She is 32 years old, her name is Kerstin, she works as real estate agent, about 168 centimeter, middle long brown hair, plump (not fat) and she has MASSIVE boobs. When I met her the first time (in the elevator) last year (2016) I was impressed. I can remember she wore jeans, a white blouse and a blue jacket (not closed). One could see her bra a bit through the blouse and one could see that her boobs are HUUUUGE. We talked a bit about this and that in the elevator and she told me that she has just moved in 2 weeks ago etc .. etc.. and believe me from that day on I wished to have a more private “meeting” with her ... if you know what I mean. She has a gorgeous smile and wonderful dark eyes … and these boobs … WOW.

After this short meeting I met her several times again in the house and we talked about usual stuff like weather, the apartment house we live in, other people which are living in the apartment house etc. I never saw her together with a man and she always spoke using “I” instead of “WE” and therefore I assumed she was single.

Anyway, about 4 weeks later, I was lying in my bed reading a book, when I suddenly heard some knocking sound on one of the walls in my bedrooms. As the design of all apartments on this side of the house are the same I knew that the knocking sound came from my neighbor’s bedroom. “Is she having sex” … I asked myself. I put my ear on the wall, but I only heard that knocking on the wall. Unfortunately, I could not hear more, but I was pretty sure that she was having sex. To be honest I was a bit sad that she obviously had a boyfriend.

I heard that knocking on the wall again a few times in the next 2 or 3 weeks, but then it stopped. “Is she single again …” I asked myself. I met her again several times in the elevator and in the underground parking area and we talked about this and that. She was always very friendly and I enjoyed it talking with her.

One day in beginning of April I was sitting on my balcony smoking a cigarette. It was about 10:30 PM. As I mentioned the design of the apartments are the same and therefore her and my balcony are placed right beside each other. One can enter the balcony from the living room and there is a wall installed as separation between the 2 balconies. The mentioned wall does not reach to the border of the balcony, but it only reaches to approximately 50 cm to the border (it is a bit hard for me to explain that in English, I hope you understand what I mean) and from that point the wall is only about 50 cm high (difficult to explain … sorry). The doors of the balcony can be opened completely to be able to enter the balcony, but one can also open it party (on the topside) to let fresh air in (the German word for that is KIPPEN … I don’t know the English word for it).

Anyway, suddenly I could hear the voice of my neighbor and one could clearly hear that she was having sex. As it was not too loud I assumed that her balcony door was partly open. Anyway, one could clearly hear what was going on. Both she and the guy were talking a lot and what I could understand I want to tell you. She was moaning very intensely, but not in a screaming style. Between her deep breathes she always said “ .. oh yessss … “ …. “ oh … yesssss …”. Then I could hear some fast clappings, but immediately after these clappings started she said “ … not so fast … not so fast … slowly … I like it slowly …” … “ …. Yes … slowly … yes … oh … yessssss …”. It seemed to me that she does not like the fast fucking technique. Some time later I could hear him say “ … c’mon … ride me …”. They obviously changed position. Then HE started talking a bit and made compliments about her boobs. “ … your boobs are awesome … they are so huge … these are the biggest boobs I ever had ..” and so on. And she said things like “ .. yes … squeeze them .. squeeze them …”.

Then I had an idea. When one bent over a bit in direction to the other balcony at the border of the balcony one can look at the neighbors’s balcony. I did it carefully and I could see that the door indeed was partly opened and I could see the two what they were doing. He was lying on the floor, she was sitting on her knees on top of him and he was squeezing her boobs. I could now see her boobs the first time without being covered by clothes. WOW … they are actually MASSIVE, hanging a bit of course (what I like a lot, to be honest), but I have never seen such huge boobs on a woman in her ages (only on pictures). She rode him very slowly, but very intensely up and down. I had to be careful that they did not discover me. She had her eyes closed and she was moaning deeply.

Some time later he said “ … I want you in doggy position ..”. Shit, I now had to disappear, because of the changed position he now could look right in my direction. But I of course continued listening. He started fucking her in doggy position ... I could hear the clapping. She asked him again to NOT go that fast, but he did go on fucking her very fast. She then did not moan anymore and one could only hear him hitting her from the back. Then one could hear him scream a bit and he stopped fucking her.

Then they talked a bit, but I could not understand everything. Suddenly the balcony door was opened and they came out to smoke a cigarette. He asked her, whether she CAME and roughly she just said “ .. NO …”. He said that he had a great orgasm and that her boobs made him so horny and that he never had such huge boobs. She just answer (bored) “ … aha … aha … aha …”. He asked her why she did not come. Bored again she said “ … psssss … because I could not feel enough … you fucked me like a rabbit … how should I come with that …”.

Oh Oh … bad mood. He then said that they could do it again now, but she interrupted him and said that it is late and that she need to work the next day etc. He seemed to be pissed off and they did not talk to eachother at all anymore. Five minutes later they went back to the living room and she closed the door. Another five minutes later I could hear her entrance door. I looked through the peephole of my door and I could see him walking towards the elevator. Hmmm … I have been pretty sure that this was the last time he met her *lol*

I went to bed, but I could not sleep immediately. I had to think about my neighbor, about what I heard, about her wonderful boobs and about how this idiot treated her. I met her 2 days later in the cellar. She had several shopping bags with her and I helped her bringing them to her apartment. She said “ … thank you … very kind … ” with a great smile on her face. In the next few weeks I could not hear anything coming from the other apartment, but I met her here and there in the house.

But then suddenly I could hear some knocking again in my bedroom. It is a bit difficult for me to explain it … it was a “slow knocking” ... something like “KNOCK” … 2 seconds pause … “KNOCK” … 2 seconds pause “KNOCK” and so on. I put my ear on the wall and I think I could hear a “ .. yes …” together with every knock, but I am not sure ... maybe it was just an imagination. I could not hear more.

As myself and she as well are owners of our apartments we are invited to so called “Eigentümerversammlung” (I don’t know the English word for that) which is usually done once a year. It is a meeting where all owners of apartments, garages and parking spaces are invited to. Several things about the house itself (renovations etc.) are discussed and can be decided. I hope you know what I mean. When I met her again in the elevator I asked her whether she will attend the mentioned meeting. She asked me what is usually going on in these meetings and whether it is important to participate and she does not know yet whether she will participate etc. Well, for me it is actually important and that is what I told her. I told her that she is not only the owner of her apartment, but also (partly) of the parking garage, the garden etc. She looked at me and said, that she had never thought of that. She started nodding a bit and said “ … OK … you convinced me … I’m gonna be there ...”. She asked me where it is gonna be. I answered her (kidding) that this is written down on the invitation and whether she hasn’t read it. She boxed me on my arm and said “ … hey .. don’t be barefaced ..” We laughed and I asked her “… shall we go together there? I will pick you up 30 minutes before the meeting starts and then we go there together.”. She immediately answered “ … good idea … “. I was very happy about her reaction.

Three weeks later at 5:30 PM I rang the bell on her door and she opened the door with a big smile on her face. We went to the meeting which took about 2,5 hours. We went back to “our” house and I asked her whether we would have a drink together in my apartment. She looked at me and said “ … maybe next time, OK?”. Disappointed I asked her whether she has some plans for the weekend … we could go out for dinner or something like that. She answered that she already has appointments on the weekend. She obviously realized that I was very sad, fondled my arm a bit and said again … “maybe next time, OK?”. I answered “ ... OK …”.

On Saturday I was out with some friends and came back home at 1 in the night. I decided to go out on my balcony to smoke my last cigarette before going to bed. When I entered the balcony I could see some light on the other balcony. I carefully bent over to the side and carefully took a look. I could not believe what I saw. Kerstin was having sex. The man sat on the couch and Kerstin rode him reverse cowgirl. She had her eyes shut and rode him very slowly with her feet on the floor. Her mouth was open and one could see the pleasure she had. Unfortunately, the balcony door was closed and therefore I could not hear anything … but I could see, which is also not bad, is it? It was great to watch her … her massive boobs, her face where I could see the joy she had. Her riding got more and more intense … not faster, but harder. She went up slowly and then slammed down her body very hard, slowly up and hard down … again and again and her boobs moved up and down as well. It looked so great!! As I mentioned I could not hear her moaning, but finally she opened her mouth wider and wider and in the moment when she came I could finally hear her “ … ahhhhhhhhhhhh ….. ahhhhhhhhhhhh … ahhhhhhhh ..”. She opened her eyes shorty after that and therefore I had to disappear and I don’t know what happened afterwards. I wait on my balcony whether they maybe would come out to smoke a cigarette and talk, but they did not.

WOW … it was so great to see her having sex. The passion in her face … her riding, her wonderful swinging boobs … just awesome. I made the decision to ask her again for a date.

Unfortunately, I never had a good opportunity in the next few days to ask her and I also did not see or hear her again having sex, but everytime when I met her in the elevator, in the parking garage or in the cellar I remembered the scene when she was riding that guy in passion. The only thing I heard was some knocking on the wall a few times.

Then about 2 months later our “Hausfest” (house party) took place. It is a good thing to have such a come together with all people living in the house. It is a family party and not only the owners of the apartments are invited, but also the other people living in the house. One can speak about the house, about potential problems, one can drink and eat something together etc. A few days prior to the party I met Kerstin in the garage and asked her whether she will come to the party. She said “ … if I won’t have any other appointments until then, I’m gonna be there …”. I answered “ … OK .. good to hear … we will drink a beer together then, OK ...?. She said “ .. sure …”. On Saturday evening the party took place. Everything was there … drinks, food, a terrible singer with a keyboard (brrrrrrrrr) and most of the people living in the house were there. Finally Kerstin appeared. We had good talks with other people, we laughed a lot and drank the one or other beer.

Then there was a situation that we stood together with other people. She stood right beside me and finally I packed all my courage together and grabbed her hand while I was telling a short story about a stupid craftsman which was working in the house some months ago. When I was finished with my story I still held her hand. I then looked at her for the first time since I grabbed her hand. She looked at me, gave me a wonderful smile and pushed my hand with hers a bit.

I released her hand finally and we went to fridge to take another beer. I asked her “ .. why did you come alone to the party, you know that it is a family party and partners and also invited”. She answered that she does not have a partner. Well, this answer showed me the she was still or again single. She then asked me the same question and I told her that I have been single for several months. I then asked her whether she enjoys the party and she said that she likes it … most of the people are friendly and one can have good talks. I joked around “ … friendly … especially me, right?”. She boxed me again on my arm like then in the elevator and said “… hey … you are barefaced …”. We laughed around and about 30 minutes later I said “ … OK Kerstin, I will go now …”. She answered “ … yes … me too ..”.

We went to the elevator. In the elevator I asked her “ ... will you come with me in my apartment THIS TIME to have a drink …”. She looked at me and said “ … don’t be angry with me … I already had enough alcohol today and I am a bit tired … next time, OK?”. I nodded my head and said “ … next time … OK. Last time you also said … next time … I understand…”. Suddenly she grabbed my hand and looked at me. “ … hey … “ … she said … “ … not today … please don’t be angry with me … I cannot … ehhh … today … next time … I promise …”. I don’t know what she wanted to tell me, but in the meantime, the elevator had reached 4th floor. We exit the elevator, said good bye and I entered my apartment very disappointed. I swore myself that I would not ask her anymore.

I did not see her for more than a week. Then one day (it was a Saturday) I exit my apartment to bring the trash to the trash can and right at the same time she exit her apartment as well. We said hello to each other and went down to the cellar using the elevator. We shortly talked about something stupid, but to be honest I was very short with it. Down in the cellar I said good bye and went towards the trash cans. She then said “ … hey … everything OK with you?”. I answered short “ … everything OK .. “ and continued making my way to the trash cans. She said “ … hey ... I want to apologize that I did not come with you for a drink that night … it was just not possible …”. I did not answer, but just shrugged my shoulders. I looked at her and said “ … listen, I already asked you several times … I won’t ask you again … I am now waiting for you to ask me, OK?”. She answered “ … OK .. what about tonight … dinner at 7 PM in my apartment”. I was so surprised about that I could not answer immediately. Finally I said something like “ …. Oooookayyyyyy … ”. She smiled at me and said “ … do you like Spaghetti?.”. Still surprised I answered that I love Spaghetti. She turned around and walked away saying “ … 7 PM …”.

Believe me I was so excited. On time at 7 PM I rang the bell at her door. She opened the door with a big smile on her face and she looked fantastic. She wore a Jeans and a very tight blue t-shirt. Unbelievable how huge her boobs looked in that t-shirt … just awesome. She told me that it was not necessary to show me her apartment, because it is the same I have and her furniture was nothing special. We sat down on the couch and she opened a bottle of Cremant (like Champagne). We smoked 2 cigarettes and talked about this and that and joked around a bit. While I was sitting on that couch I remembered the scene when she was riding that other guy right on this couch with that face full of joy.

Then she said that she will now prepare the Spaghetti. During the dinner, she told me that she is single and that she is not interested in a relationship at the moment. After the dinner she prepared an espresso and a grappa. We smoked another cigarette and then she said that she wants to bring the flatware to the kitchen. I also grabbed some plates and helped her. In the kitchen, she stood in front of the wash basin and put the plates in it. That was my chance. I approached her from behind, slowly put my arms around her belly and softly kissed her neck. Immediately she moved her head backwards and said “ … I thought you would never get initiative …”. She turned around and we kissed each other very long. I could feel these massive boobs on my chest while we kissed each other. She said “ … WOW .. you are a good kisser … “. “ .. you too… “ I said. She looked me in the eyes and said “… I just want to make something clear … as I told you … I don’t want a relationship …”. I answered “ … that is OK. I also don’t want a relationship, but I can tell you, when I saw you the first time, I wished I could have sex with you at least once …”. She gave me a big smile and said “ … your wish will come true today … “ and then she gave me very deep and romantic French Kiss.

After that kiss I looked her in the eyes and then down to her boobs in that tight t-shirt. I looked at her again and said “ … I have never had a woman with such wonderful boobs. “. She smiled at me and said “ … how can you know that they are wonderful, you haven’t seen them yet ..”. Well … I had seen her, but I did not tell her of course. I answered that they MUST be wonderful, because of the size … I expect that they are very big. She smiled at me again and said “ … You cannot be sure, because they are still covered .. “. OK … I moved my hands down at the bottom of the t-shirt, pulled it up and moved it over her head. Now I could see this BIG white bra. I have never seen such big bra. Usually I don’t have a problem to open a woman’s bra, but this one had 4 hooks on the back and it was not that easy to open it. Finally, it was open and I slowly moved it down. Now I could see these HUUUUUGE boobs right in front of me. WOW … wonderful. I looked at Kerstin with a smile. She asked me “ … and … are they wonderful?”. I softly grabbed these 2 mountains, lift them a bit up and answered “ … more than wonderful … I cannot find the right word …”. She smiled at me again and we kissed each other again. We moved to her bedroom and after the removal of all our clothes we laid down on the bed and things started. After some intense and long foreplay, we finally came together in missionary position. My advantage was that I knew what she likes and therefore I made everything very soft and slowly. “ ohhhh yessss .. ohhhh yessss … very slowly … that is how I like it … ohhhh yessss … ohhh yessss”. Deep inside of me I need to smile a bit, because I knew that she like it exactly that way. And I must admit, for me it was also awesome. Her moaning sounded so good … one could hear that she really enjoyed it. She had her eyes shut and her mouth open. She had her legs wide spread, I could see these monster boobs with the thick, hard nipples right in front of me, her hands were placed on my ass and then these intense moans … wonderful.

After some minutes of these slow and intense in and out her moaning and breathing got more intense. “ … ohhh yes … ohhh yes … if you go on like this I’m gonna come soon … oh yess ….”. Of course I went on exactly like it did … she got a bit louder … with every in and out I could hear that she was VERY wet … breathing and moaning got even more intense … then she opened her mouth completely and “ …. … ahhhhhhhhhhhh ….. ahhhhhhhhhhhh … ahhhhhhhhhhhhh…”. I had several women in my life, but I never had a woman which showed me that her orgasm was just that intense. I stayed in her without moving and after a short while she opened her eyes, looked me deep in the eyes and said “ … that was exactly how like sex … that was sooooo good … that was one of the best orgasms I ever had … give me just 1 minute and then we can go on … I think you haven’t come yet, right ..”. I answered „ .. no problem .. take your time … “. I stayed in her and looked at her. Then she said “ … how do you want to go on?”. I asked her whether she would ride me, because I wanted to see these 2 mountains in front of me. “ .. sure … I love riding ..”. She mounted me and started riding me while I grabbed her boobs. “ … squeeze them … I like that … squeeze them…”. I squeezed these wonderful boobs and not long after she started riding I said to her “ … I’m gonna come soon …”. “ .. yes … come …” she said and a few seconds later I exploded while she was riding me.

We laid together on her bed and talked about this and that. We also spoke about our preferences when it comes to sex. She told me that she does not like that fast fucking. She told me that she was together (only once) with a guy some months ago who fucked her like a rabbit. She made clear that she just does not like that. She likes slow fucking. She said that she does not have a problem if the man hits her hard, she likes hard hitting, but it must be slow and not fast. Well ... I think I know which guy she was talking about who fucked her like a rabbit. I asked her how many men there are she is usually meeting. She answered that there is one (married) man she meets again and again from time to time and sometimes when things come together she is having fun with other men too. I gave her a wink and said “ … and now I am the second beside this one … or am I just one of these additionals ..”. She turned around towards me, looked me in the eyes and said “ …listen … when you fuck me again like just did … you will definitely be the second …” and she passionately kissed me.

TO BE CONTINUED .. if you want
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Re: My Neighbor Kerstin

Post by alphonse01 »

What a fascinating story! Thanks for telling us.
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Re: My Neighbor Kerstin

Post by thomas »

great story, thank you very much... it`s really exciting to read. Do you think you might also record the sound of one of those events for us? :-)
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Re: My Neighbor Kerstin

Post by heinz1809 »

Awesome story. Almost to good to be true :) But please continue, I enjoyed!
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Re: My Neighbor Kerstin

Post by angle »

Thank you for the compliment. You may maybe ask yourself why I still know all these details although everything started in early 2016. Well, the answer is pretty easy. I am doing something which is (most probably) not that common anymore: I keep a diary (I hope that is the correct word). EVERY day I write down what happened during the day. I already do that for many years and such occasions I of course write down a bit more in detail than others. I can only recommend keeping a diary. Sometimes I'm reading in the diary I kept 10 years ago and it is amazing to read again what happened, who I met, where I was and so on.

I can continue with the whole story, because a lot of things happened.

BR Angle
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Re: My Neighbor Kerstin

Post by thomas »

Indeed, this would be great to learn more :-) Go ahaed please... However, it would also be great if you have some kind of catch for us for the upload section... :-)
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Re: My Neighbor Kerstin

Post by d2009sd2009s »

Excellent story! The real one, and very erotic. What a nice habit to have a diary:) Hoping for your further contributions, both text form and (may be) the audio one will be much appreciated! Is she still your neighbour now?

Speaking about the language - of course, I'm not native English speaker, but I think your English is quite appropriate for this board, we are not linguists here:) I had not any troubles understanding what you wanted to say and enjoyed reading.
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Re: My Neighbor Kerstin

Post by angle »

d2009sd2009s wrote: 09 Aug 2017 13:09 Excellent story! The real one, and very erotic. What a nice habit to have a diary:) Hoping for your further contributions, both text form and (may be) the audio one will be much appreciated! Is she still your neighbour now?

Speaking about the language - of course, I'm not native English speaker, but I think your English is quite appropriate for this board, we are not linguists here:) I had not any troubles understanding what you wanted to say and enjoyed reading.
Yes, she is still my neigbour and in the meantime we did a lot of ... THINGS ...if you know what I mean ... and even some strange things happend. I don't want to spoil, but I can say we have had A LOT of fun together. When it comes to sexual stuff we perfectly fit together ... at least at the moment.

I already started writing down the next part, but I am not sure whether I got too much in detail. I'm gonna read it again before I post it here and maybe I need to cut off some too detailed parts.

What do you recommend: Shall I open a new thread (My Neighbor Kerstin Part 2) or shall I go on in this existing thread?

Recording: Well ... I don't think that I'm gonna record. I don't have the hardware and I also don't have the software which is necessary to cut and filter and so on. Sorry ... I hope you will anyway like the story.

As I mentioned: Try out keeping a diary and read it again years later. You will be surprised, which things will come back to your mind again. It helps you remembering even some small details you would have forgotten for sure otherwise. Of course it is a bit time consuming and it needs discipline to write down every day, but the "payout" is great. And of course there are days where nothing special happened and you are through very fast.

BR Angle
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Re: My Neighbor Kerstin

Post by d2009sd2009s »

In my opinion, continuing the current thread will be the better option.
angle wrote: 09 Aug 2017 15:22 Recording: Well ... I don't think that I'm gonna record. I don't have the hardware and I also don't have the software which is necessary to cut and filter and so on. Sorry ... I hope you will anyway like the story.
Of course, the decision of record of not is totally up to you, but, man, nowadays? Every phone, even not smart one, has an option of audio rec. Since you are very close to the sound, the quality of the rec will be listenable even with the bad hardware. And you can upload the rec without any filtering:)
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Re: My Neighbor Kerstin

Post by heinz1809 »

I would prefer the more detialed version :)

You can also download a free App. Search in th app store for "Audio rec" or "Aufnahmegerät". Then you can left your phone in the pocket or somewhere else in the room.
You can also download on youur PC free Sofware to cut like "Audacity". It's not complicate.

I would love to hear her voice to your fantastic describtion.
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Re: My Neighbor Kerstin

Post by angle »

heinz1809 wrote: 09 Aug 2017 22:59 I would prefer the more detialed version :)

You can also download a free App. Search in th app store for "Audio rec" or "Aufnahmegerät". Then you can left your phone in the pocket or somewhere else in the room.
You can also download on youur PC free Sofware to cut like "Audacity". It's not complicate.

I would love to hear her voice to your fantastic describtion.
OK ... I can keep the more detailed version.
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Re: My Neighbor Kerstin

Post by angle »


Next morning after breakfast I checked my mobile and I saw that she has sent me a WhatsApp. She wrote “ .. thank you for this wonderful evening … I hope we will repeat that ..”. I answered that I also want to repeat it. We chatted around some more time and she made it clear again, that she does not want to have a relationship and she also made it clear that there will be other men she will have sex with. So, I should not be jealous or something like that and I should expect too much etc. etc. I told her that this absolutely OK for me.

A few days later we by random met each other on our balconies in the evening. We both looked down from our balconies to the garden with our elbows put on the banister. It was a hot day and on the balcony it was just the good place to be. We smoked cigarettes and talked about this and that. In fact that I did not know whether other people in the house could hear us I whispered towards her “… I had to think about our evening again and again …”. She smiled at me and whispered back. “ … me too … it was wonderful ..”. I asked her when we would repeat it. She answered that she does not want to plan it. She recommended letting things happen when they come. A bit sad I agreed. We spoke about some other stuff and finally we went back to our apartments. I met her again in the house a few times in the next days, but nothing special happened.

Then one evening when I was lying in bed and was pretty horny. I thought of Kerstin. I took my mobile and sent her a WhatsApp. I told her that I again must think about OUR evening. She immediately answered and we began chatting around about OUR evening and what happened. I don’t have the full conversation anymore, but some parts of it I will never forget and are also written down in my diary.
“What are you thinking of in detail?” she answered. That was a surprising answer.
I told her that I need to think about her face and moaning when I fucked her in missionary position.
She answered with a smile via WhatsApp.
“ .. and what else ..” she asked.
“ your boobs … your boobs are the most beautiful ones I ever had ..”.
Again she answered with a smile.
“ and what else …” she asked
“ .. your wetness which I could hear …”
She answered with red face via WhatsApp
Now I asked her “… and what do YOU think of in detail when you think about OUR evening...”
She shorty answered “ … the orgasm … “
Next message …
“.. it was soooo intense ...”
“… and what else …” I asked her
“ … the way you fucked me … slowly, soft and sensual …”
“ .. anything else ..” I asked
“ … your cock … ”
“and what else..” I asked.
“ … isn’t that enough “ she answered
“ tell me more … it makes me horny … “ I wrote
“ … my cock is hard … tell me more ..”
Unfortunately, she suddenly did not answer anymore. Shit …
“ .. hello .. are you still there ?” I asked
No answer …
I started stroking my cock …

A short while later suddenly my doorbell rang. I jumped out of the bed, put on my shorts over my hard cock, walked to the door, looked through the spyhole and opened the door. Kerstin stood there. She wore a white bathrobe. She smiled at me, stepped one step forward so that she was standing in the door frame. Then she slowly opened the cord of her bathrobe and opened the bathrobe. Oh my god … she was completely naked and I could see these wonderful hanging monsters. She looked at me and said “ … I don’t want to write anymore …”. Then she realized that I was standing there with my shorts on, but a hard cock in it. “ … mmmmm … the writing made you horny, huh …”. She stepped forward, waved her arms around my neck and kissed me passionately. I never had a woman which was that initiative. We had wonderful sensual sex this late evening which was nearly the same like the first time we were together ... same position etc. etc.

After the sex we talked a bit and I wanted to know why she did not come with me to my apartment after the house party. She answered “ … it was not possible that night …”. I asked her why it was not possible. Her answer was “ … red days … “ and gave me a wink. Well … that was indeed a reason, wasn’t it? Very late she went back to her apartment. Once she was gone I sent her another WhatsApp with “ …thank you! That was just awesome! “. She answered “ … I thank YOU … I had a wonderful orgasm again …”.

Some days later I asked her whether we will meet at the weekend, but she told me that she won’t have time, because a friend will visit her for 3 days (from Friday evening to Sunday evening). I asked her whether this visitor is that other lover she has. She answered NO and that this visitor is an old friend of her she had during her studies some years ago. I just said to her “ … have fun ..” and gave her a wink. She smiled at me and said “ … I think I WILL have fun …”. Hmmm … unfortunately I could not have her this weekend, but maybe I was lucky and could see or at least hear something.

That mentioned Friday I was sitting on my balcony waiting for some action. It was a very hot weekend. Suddenly I could hear voices in her apartment. That guys had just arrived. Some minutes later they came out on the balcony. I could hear what they were talking. They talked about old times during her studies, parties they attended and such stuff. They also talked about the evening, that they would go out for dinner and then to a disco. OK … the rest of the conversation was not that interesting. Some time later they went back to her living room and I could not hear anything more in detail …. Just that they were talking. I could not hear anything more during the rest of the evening and also not in the night.

The next day I went out to buy some food for the weekend. When I came back I met Kerstin and her visitor in the garage. She introduced me and him and we talked a bit. He looked a bit strange to me. He was a body builder type. He had huge arms and one could imagine his large chest and back through his t-shirt. Anyway, they told me that they would now go out swimming. I went back to my apartment.

Later in the afternoon when I was sitting on my balcony I could suddenly hear that Kerstin opened the balcony door. She and her visitor came out, sat down, drank something and smoked some cigarettes. Suddenly the conversation got interesting. He told her that her boobs obviously got even bigger than they were in the time when they were together. She answered YES and that she got fat in the last years. He then said that he does not consider her fat and that he always liked her body, especially her boobs. He also said that she looked great in her swimsuit and that he could not prevent his eyes from looking at her boobs. She laughed a bit. Then suddenly I could hear them kissing each other.
She said “ … hey … what was that …”.
He: “ … I HAD to do it … and it felt great …”.
She did not say anything more and I could hear them kissing again.
He: “… WOW … your boobs are so awesome … and they are definitely bigger than before …“.
They kissed again and then..
She: “ … NO … not here. I won’t take my t-shirt off here … you can touch them on or under my t-shirt, but I won’t take it off …”
He: “ .. but your bra … “
She: “ … open it ..”
He: “ .. can you do that for me ..”.
Shortly later..
He: “ … they ARE bigger … MUCH bigger .. and they feel so good ... they are so heavy … ”
They kept on kissing. Then I could hear Kerstin breathe very silent.
She said “ .. NO … NOT HERE … I won’t take it off…”.
He “ … why not? We could do it right here … C’mon ..”
She: “ What? Right here on the balcony? No way …”
She: “ … somebody could see me … I don’t want that … that is a big house and everybody knows each other … “.
He: “ … C’mon … don’t care about other people … I want you now …”.
She: “ … NO .. not here … C’mon … let’s go inside …”.
They got up and went back inside the apartment. I spoke to myself deep inside of me “… leave the balcony door open … PLEASE leave the door open …”. And she did … she left it open … YESSSSS.

As it was not dark yet, it was too dangerous to bend over the balcony wall to check what was going on in the other apartment, but believe me I kept my ears open. Suddenly some idiot (one floor up) most probably also had an open balcony door and suddenly played some (for my ears) terrible music. I could hear some moaning here and there, but that music was just too loud. SHIT … why now? Why couldn’t that guy start playing music a bit later … only a BIT later.
Then I could hear some clapping … first a fast clapping, then slower. In between I unfortunately could only hear Kerstin speaking something, but I could only hear some fragments like “fast” and “slow” and “yes” and “go on“ and such stuff. I’m not 100% sure, but I think she had told him to fuck her slower. The clapping got louder and faster now, I could hear him moan and finally one could hear him “.. yes .. yes … yes … uaaaahhh …”. Shit … this loud music destroyed everything.
Beside some talking which I did not understand completely that was all I could hear this day.

On Sunday afternoon I could hear them suddenly sitting on balcony. I immediately silently walked out on my balcony to hear what they were saying. They talking about this and that … nothing interesting. Then finally he asked her whether they maybe would have a chance to come together again in a relationship. Kerstin made it very clear that her answer was … NO. He then asked whether they could at least meet from time to time to have sex. He said that he does not want it anymore without these awesome boobs of hers. Kerstin answered that she does not want to plan such things and that the distance between him and her is more 300 kilometers.

I had the impression that she did not want to tell him NO completely. He said that he is very sad etc. and that he does not understand, because they had so good sex together in the last 2 days. He said that he already wanted her on Friday, but she refused. But then yesterday they had sex twice and today again twice. And now she is telling him, that she does not want to meet him. Kerstin answered that she only said that she does not want to plan anything and that she does not want a relationship. They went talking a bit and then he said “ .. C’mon … let’s go inside and do it one more time before I have to go …”. She answered “ ... sorry … don’t be angry with me, but I don’t want now … “. “C’mon he said … only one more time … I want to have you one more time … I promise I’m gonna do it the way you want it this time… ”. “ … no … sorry …“ she said … “… I’m not in the mood now …”. “ … what a pity … “ he said. The rest was not so interesting anymore.

In the evening I sent Kerstin a WhatApp. I asked how her weekend was and whether she had fun (like mentioned when we met)? She answered some minutes later writing the weekend was not that bad. “… not that bad … sounds like … not SO good …” I answered. She sent me a smile and wrote back that it was … OK. I realized that she somehow didn’t want to talk about it. We wished each other a good night and that was it.

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Re: My Neighbor Kerstin

Post by heinz1809 »

Oh man, that's a gold mine. I like your story so much! Kerstin must be awesome woman. Also the thing that you have sex with her and otherwise you are have the opertunitty to overhear or see her haveing sex with an other man.
I think a lot of man would like to be in your postion or living in your flat :D

Thanks for telling your experience in such a detailed way. I'm looking forward to read more. Also to hear more :D That would be the best ever :)
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Re: My Neighbor Kerstin

Post by angle »

heinz1809 wrote: 10 Aug 2017 14:10 Oh man, that's a gold mine. I like your story so much! Kerstin must be awesome woman. Also the thing that you have sex with her and otherwise you are have the opertunitty to overhear or see her haveing sex with an other man.
I think a lot of man would like to be in your postion or living in your flat :D

Thanks for telling your experience in such a detailed way. I'm looking forward to read more. Also to hear more :D That would be the best ever :)
Thank you very much for the compliment. There is a lot more to come ... even some things, which are very strange indeed.
I am still not sure about the recordings ... at the moment I would say NO ... I won't do some recordings .. let's wait and see.

Kerstin is indeed special. Special in many ways and I think a relationship with her would be not that easy. Anyway, I am very happy that I have met her and that I can have her from time to time.

BR Angle
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Re: My Neighbor Kerstin

Post by d2009sd2009s »

How many parts of the story awaits us? ;)
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