Hola chicos!!

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Hola chicos!!

Post by Karro »

Hola a todos!!

Tras mucho buscar por fin encontré un foro acorde a mis aficiones!!!
Llevo muchos años escuchando en paredes, puertas, ventanas, al aire libre… muchas experiencias, muchas horas…. Y sigo haciéndolo claro esta!!!

He leído muy por encima en el foro, porque es apasionante todo lo posteado!!
Mis felicitaciones a todos los que colaboráis!

Todavía no me ha quedado muy claro cómo funciona esto, pero seguiré informándome.

Tengo experiencias de vecinas, amigas, desconocidos en hoteles, parkings… os iré contando, y si puedo intentaré recuperar algunos audios de otros móviles viejos.
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Re: Hola chicos!!

Post by yeppie »

Karro wrote: 04 Sep 2024 20:34 Hello everybody!

After much searching I finally found a forum according to my hobbies!!!!!
I've been listening for many years on walls, doors, windows, outdoors... many experiences, many hours.... And I still do it of course!!!!

I've read a lot on the forum, because it's exciting everything posted!
My congratulations to all of you who collaborate!

It is still not very clear to me how this works, but I will continue to find out more.

I have experiences from neighbours, friends, strangers in hotels, car parks... I'll keep you posted, and if I can I'll try to recover some audio from other old mobiles.

Translated with DeepL.com (free version)
Welcome Karro and thank you for the introduction!

You will have noticed that we are a community with members of many countries, speaking many languages but here we communicate in English (using translator tools if necessary). Only this way we can communicate without (or less) boundaries.
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