New sounds on old file

Files and discussion about neighbors and roommates having sex
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Re: New sounds on old file

Post by gibevad »

This one was after drunken night in October. They came back in the early hours of the morning. Lots of drunken chat. You will need headphones as the windows were closed.

The original file was a few hours long. The community kindly found some clips last time. If anybody has the original, please let me know and I will check the same in full.

00:35 - a door closing and chatter

Talking for a while. Some laughter

02:20 - action starts with the a creaking bed.
02:55 - bed gets a little louder
03:07 - a moan from her
03:22 - some chatter
03:28 - moans that continue for a while
05:08 - talking and laughter. This lasts for a few minutes
07:40 - moans start from her
07:55 - getting noisier
08:10 - talking and that is it it for this one
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Re: New sounds on old file

Post by gibevad »

The next couple are taken from a single recording of a long session. I have cut them down to their key parts. There was a lot of dead air on the original file. The original is in the archives if anybody wants the unedited version. The only thing there is me snoring and some laughs and chatter from downstairs. Not much at all and it doesn’t sound sexual.

The original took place in the late evening so I was sleeping through most of it. Looking at the original post they were shagging until the early hours of the morning. The first session woke me up so I started recording and went back to sleep.

These are sessions one and two from that night. The original files in the archive are labeled new neighbours 5 and new neighbours 6. Both of these are from new neighbours 5. I will do new neighbours 6 next. Original posts were on the 15th February. The quality is slightly lower on this one as the windows were closed. The
first session is quiet, but she gets much louder in the second one.

Session 2 is really special. Probably one of my top five recordings for this couple. Some very big and loud orgasms. I only woke up during the last five minutes or so. Most of the sounds were new to me when I played the recording back in the morning.
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Re: New sounds on old file

Post by gibevad »

Just a quick note. Some of the dialogue I’m not sure about. I put question marks next to them if I am not certain what they are saying.

So the action on this one starts immediately.
Light moans build to
01:03 - You can hear the moans getting louder for a few seconds then it drops back to quieter levels
02:25 - moan and talking
03:21 - bed creaking and a moan from her
03:35 - She says something. Moans continue for a while. I think you can hear the bed a little
04:15 - talk from her.
05:09 - more bed squeaking.
05:29 - headboard bangs against the wall a bit. A couple of ragged moans from her
5:40 “I’m gonna, I’m gonna come”?
06:22 more talk
06:25 squeaking bed and more groans. Continues for a while.
07:00 - moans pick up.
07:13 - bed creaks.
07:35 - getting louder and faster
07:50 - they talk for a few seconds
08:30 - bed starts to get loud. You can hear the headboard now.
08:40- a nice moan from her.
09:09 “come on then”? from her. She says something else.
09:38 - a couple of whimpers from her
09:48 - big moan from her
09:58 groans from both of them
10:13 - she says something and they laugh
10:22 - they start fucking harder. Headboard banging is audible. Bed is squeaking too. Carries on for about 30 seconds
12:14 - more moans
12:31 - “shit. oh fuck”?
13:18 - more talk and that’s it for this one
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Re: New sounds on old file

Post by gibevad »

You can hear me snoring on this one. I slept through basically all of this. I was awake for maybe the last 5 minutes of it

I’m not sure whether they opened the window or whether she is more excited, but the quality is much higher on this one. She is much louder. You will still need headphones though.

00:13 - first moans from her
01:30 - getting louder. Moans and chat for a couple of minutes
02:43 - loud moan
03:00 - she says something quickly
03:17 - groan
03:32 - loud moan. “I’m gonna come big here”?
03:39 - very load moans
03:45 - she says something. They talk
03:45 - “don’t you dare come in me?” not sure about this as it sounds more like oral on her than sex. Maybe they are fucking quietly.
04:00 - they talk. Can’t decipher it
04:16 - moaning loudly
04:22 - “oh I’m coming I’m coming I’m coming” and something else
04:26 - “oh my God I’m coming. Oh” very loud and long moans
04:38 - “Oh my bloody God”?
04:42 - laughs and chatter
04:55 - several loud moans and whimpers over the next 30 seconds or so
05:31 - “oh fuck”
05:32 - “oh my -“
05:40 “shit yeah”? or “yeah yeah”? whimpers
05:57 - he says something and they talk
06:04 - she laughs
06:20 - groans begin again
06:30 - “yeah. oh”
06:37 - very loud moan
06:38 - “oh I’m fucking coming” loud moans
06:53 - chatter. She sounds very giggly. They talk but I can’t work out what they are saying
08:58 - back at it with moans from her
09:18 - getting loud
09:24 loud “oh fuck”
09: 30 more chatter and laughing
10:11 - more whimpers and groans
10:36 - louder groans
10:50 “fuckfuckfuck”
10:59 “oh, I’m fucking coming” more loud moans
11:05 “oh fuck” she says it very quickly
11:14 - a very ragged “yeah”
11:20 - more talk and giggles
11:33 - groans
11:36 “oh i’m coming fuck”?
12:00 to 12:39 - I think they change positions or something around here. You can hear thuds coming from their place. Loud moans from her. I think they are fucking again as the bed starts to creak a bit
12:40 - very loud moans from her
12:53 - she says something. The moans continue for about a minute
14:34 - she moans quickly builds to
14:40 “oh fuck”
14:53 - loud groan
15:07 - very loud moan and “I’m fucking coming. Oh my God” lots of nice cries. A very nice “Oh my God” at 15:16.
15:30 - more talk
16:05 - back on it with a loud moan. I think the bed creaking is a bit more audible here
16:14 - a loud cry
16:21 - more dialogue
16:25 - moans
16:34 - chatter
16:46 - a nice moan from her
17:03 - a “yeah” but more of a moan than anything else
17:10 - “oh fuck. Oh” and several moans
17:24 - “I’m coming. Fuck” more loud groans
18:00 chatter and laughing for the rest of the recording
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Last edited by gibevad on 01 Oct 2024 00:34, edited 2 times in total.
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Re: New sounds on old file

Post by gibevad »

This is the short session from new neighbours 6. The third session of the night from my last two posts. This one appears to be straight fucking as the bed is creaking throughout most of it.

I cut off me putting the recorder down to make the file headphone safe. Moans are immediately audible. I stopped the new neighbours 5 recording as I thought they were done for the night.

They are already fucking at the start of the recording.

00:22 - their bed starts to creak more
00:39 - moan from her
00:44 - the pace steps up. Both the bed squeaks and her groans. The headboard also starts to knock on the wall
01:00 - headboard begins to thump more violently against the wall. More moans from her
01:10 - pace steps up
01:24 - 01:32- sounds like they change positions
01:32 “fuck” from her some more noises. Not sure what
01:46 - bed gets very noisy again
02:00 - pace picks up. Noisy creaky bed and loud headboard banging
02:23 - laughter and chatting
02:54 - a moan from her
03:00 - short bouts of very hard fucking loud moans from her
03:40 - a moan from her
03:44 - “come on” from her
03:50 - fast fucking
04:00 - chatter and this one is done
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Re: New sounds on old file

Post by gibevad »

The quality on this one isn’t the best as the weather was terrible. Windows closed so not much in the way of dialogue either. The wind spoils the recording slightly.

Again straight on with action on this one. Loud moans immediately for the first two minutes

01:49 - audible loud moans. I think you can just about hear the bed creaking
03:28 - a nice cry from her
04:13 - I think there is some headboard banging here. Lots of whimpering from her for the next minute or so
04:54 - she gets louder. I think an “oh fuck”
05:21 “I’m coming”? lots of moans
05:38 - a nice nice groan
05:43 “I’m coming. I’m coming”? very nice moans for the next 20 seconds or so
06:40 - more groans
07:07 - a nice moan maybe an “oh fuck”?
07:47 - the bed is audible for a few seconds
08:05 - more talk
08:33 - moans from her
08:44 - bed gets noisy with the headboard banging
08:50 - “oh fucking Hell”
09:10 - chatter
09:30 - I think the bed is going agin.
10:17 - moans from her
10:34 “oh baby yeah”?
10:40 - bed gets noisy. Creaking and headboard banging. Hard to tell with the wind though
11:11 - nice moans
11:25 “oh fuck” and whimpering
11:32 “oh fuck” and a loud moan
11:36 “oh my -“
11:56 - bed gets noisy and she says “oh yeah fuck” as the pace picks up. Headboard banging audible
12:16 - more talk while fucking. more headboard banging
13:01 - more moans for around a minute
14:05 - she says something
14:15 - more moans
14:26 - getting loud
15:00 - chatter and laughter
15:30 - moans again continues for a while
16:35 - some loud groans
17:15 - she says something
18:01 “oh fuck” Some very nice moans
18:38 “oh I’m fucking coming. Oh yeah” more groans
19:06 - chatting for a while
20:17 - at it again
20:30 - nice whimpers
20:35 - she says something
21:00 - giggles from her
21:48 - more moans
22:44 - “I’m coming” some really nice moans at 22:48
23:00 - laughter and chat for a couple of minutes
25:00 - “yeah” and more whimpers
25:15 - more whimpering
25:22 - she says something
25:28 - “oh I’m going to come. I’m fucking coming. Oh” More talk. I think encouragement from him and that’s it.
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Re: New sounds on old file

Post by Stott13 »

Gibevad, these are the type of captures i wait for... where a woman is being driven absolutely nuts and you're getting total "shock and awe" reactions from her. I love it!
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Re: New sounds on old file

Post by gibevad »

Stott13 wrote: 01 Oct 2024 06:06 Gibevad, these are the type of captures i wait for... where a woman is being driven absolutely nuts and you're getting total "shock and awe" reactions from her. I love it!
Yeah for sure. A shame they moved! I don’t think we are going to find much by the way of new content now unfortunately.
Not unless somebody has the old long test files and something has been missed on there.
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Re: New sounds on old file

Post by gibevad »

00:06 - first moan
01:02- a groan from her and you can hear the bed creaking. more moans
01:42- headboard banging gets audible.
01:50 - a dirty laugh from her.
02:33 - talk
02:58 - the headboards starts to bang against the wall more violently. Accompanied by louder moans.
03:05 - “Oh I’m fucking coming. you’re getting me right good there. Oh God” more moans and headboard banging
The pace drops, but you can hear some chatter and light moans for the next few minutes.
07:12 - moans start to build
07:40 - a laugh
08:11 - she starts to gets noisier
08:31 - “oh my God”
08:59- “oh yeah”
09:38 - loud moans begin
09:56 - I’m coming already” noisy groans
11:18- I walk into my room. It doesn’t stop them. The gasps and moans continue.
12:44 - pleasured laugh
12:51 - “oh my God.” More laughter and moans.
12:59 - “oh my God”
13:35 - laughter and pleasure. Some dialogue I can’t make out. Lots of giggling. I think I hear “neighbour” at 14:38. Maybe they are onto me. I am in and out of my room at this point. Apologies for the noise
17:18 - Back at it. Quieter now. A few moans up to about
18:13- she starts getting vocal again with moans. They are quiet for a couple of minutes. The odd groan is there so not quite dead air.
20:13 - “oh my God.” Moans get more frequent
22:27- very loud gasp and moans of pleasure. She gasps out a few “oh fuck”s and “oh shit”s. 23:21 - “oh fucking hell”
30:16 - another loud gasp “oh my God. oh my God” and something like “you are amazing.” Some laughs and dialogue I cannot make out. Carries on like this for a couple of minutes.
33:20 - moans start back up briefly but that is pretty much it for this one. There isn’t any more on this session. Minutes of dead air follow this so I trimmed the recording
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Re: New sounds on old file

Post by cumfan »

Thanks a lot for all the files and especially the timestamps, makes jumping to the most interesting parts way easier (speaking about efficiency here 😉)!
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Re: New sounds on old file

Post by gibevad »

Short one but quite intense

00:50 - first moans
01:13 - some dialogue. I think she says “I’m going to fucking come.”
01:34 - deep moans build quickly
02:18 - Quick orgasm announcement “I’m fucking coming” followed by loud moans.
02:37 - “shit” more loud groaning
02:59 - “yeah”
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Re: New sounds on old file

Post by gibevad »

cumfan wrote: 01 Oct 2024 22:06 Thanks a lot for all the files and especially the timestamps, makes jumping to the most interesting parts way easier (speaking about efficiency here 😉)!
No problem, dude. It’s been an interesting exercise and it has hopefully led to some new content! Like recording 12 at 14:38. I am positive she says “neighbour” as she laughs. Never heard that section before and it kind of puts a new spin on things. I have a bit more time to listen to full recordings now as I work primarily from home. That’s why I’m really hoping somebody has saved the old hours long test files!

Have a few left to do with this couple. Will move on to the lesbian couple when these are done.
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Re: New sounds on old file

Post by apan »

Nice serie with harder post. Many Thx for that.
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Re: New sounds on old file

Post by gibevad »

Sorry, posted this on the original post from 2022. I was trying to place the date and time of the recording. This is another one of the drunken 2am ones. Pretty sure I was asleep for most of this. I can’t remember to be honest. It was a couple of years ago now.

This was recorded in October so the windows were closed. You will need headphones as the quality isn’t the best.

There is quite a lot of chatter on this one. I left it in as there is the odd nice moan and laugh, but nothing massively sexual. Something might be happening quietly, but they are not loud.

I have broke the definite sex sounds into parts below. Part 2 does seem to be more talk than sex.

Part 1

Quite a bit of chatter at the start. I don’t know if some of these are moans.

01:42 - sounds like the first moan to me.
01:56 - definite moans. Some bed creaking potentially
01:59 - “yeah”
02:04 - a loud “yeah” the bed creaking sounds louder. The moans continue for a while
02:17 - louder bed noises
03:00 - lots of “yeah”s for the next few seconds
03:47 - louder moans
04:07 - a nice cry
04:09 - “shit” nice moans and he talks to her
04:37 - talk and laughs. She is still moaning
04:47 - big moans
04:50 “yeah”
04:58 - he says something and she laughs. Still groaning
05:10 - talk and laughs from her. Dialogue for a few seconds
05:49 - Nice moans from her for a second and some chat
06:30 - more chat and laughs for several minutes

Part 2

15:00 - a single loud noise from her
16:02 - light moans and giggles
16:45 - a potential moan
17:17 - definite moans start here
17:30 - getting more frequent for about 30 seconds
19:10 - laughs and chatter
20:06 - a moan
20:15 - more chatting
20:40 - another moan
21:28 - more groans
21:34 - getting loud again
21:38 - “yeah” loud grunts
21:51 - loud moan and some talk for a few minutes
23:58 - some nice moans. I think you can hear some very faint moans. You will need headphones. I could just about hear at max volume. I think they have moved to a different room. They might be in the bathroom as you can hear an extractor fan. My snores start to drown it out to be honest. That’s it for this one.
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Re: New sounds on old file

Post by gibevad »

Another one of the drunken very early morning ones. There isn’t a huge amount here actionwise, but there is some stuff so posting for completeness.

There was a lot of drunken chatter on the original so I have trimmed this. There isn’t much interesting there and you can’t hear what they are saying anyway.

00:17 - first moans
00:40 - a groan. Some light sounds and then quiet for a while
02:38 light moans start again. Continues for a while
03:47 - Things get slightly (but not much) louder
05:25 - chatter and some more excited moans
06:11 - more talk
06:56 - another moan
07:03 - getting more excited
07:25 - louder moans
07:41 - more drunken chat and that’s pretty much it for this one.
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