
Files and discussion about sex in motels / hotels
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Posts: 13
Joined: 30 Dec 2005 16:29


Post by strander »


I have a number of original recordings I would like to post but are having trouble uploading.

I am a traveling salesman and have for years been listening in on my hotel neighbors. Recently I bought a thru the wall mic and a digital recorder to capture some of the sounds and would like very much to share. Whenever I try to upload though it won't let me. Do I need special permission to post?

Posts: 165
Joined: 09 Jan 2006 19:17
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first time blues

Post by regnen11 »

Know how it goes... I had a dickens of a time with my first couple of posts but things got smoother after that...

Good luck and don't get discouraged... we're looking forward to giving your stuff a listen!

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Joined: 20 Dec 2005 23:06
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Post by mjj9994 »

Nothin to it buddy. Steps for posting material:

- Open appropriate thread (Members, Motel sex, etc)
- Click on "New Topic" at the top
- Write a lil diddy about the material
- Click on "browse" in the "add an attachment block"
- Navigate to where you saved the file on your computer and click on it
- Click "Submit"

Simple as that. Look forward to your material!

- Mark
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