This is a recording of the same girl a little later on having a second orgasim. It needs editing a little to improve the sound and you can hear the zip on my trousers every now and again. Sorry I was getting a bit excited at the sounds.
ohh its another good one!!
She sounds fairly close to you in both of these for a motel catch, i was wondering where you were in relation to the couple? whereever you were, it worked a treat.
eagerly awaiting more, yep i'm greedy and i know it hehe!
Thank you for the postive feedback. To answer Scotts question. You would think I was in the room with them .... wish I was. I was actually stood outside the door.
I ahve some files from the following night which I will post. Can't wait to go back ina couple of weeks time.
damn thats a clear job considering you were outside the door!
Those files from the next night, are they the same couple?
lookin forward to them...