Now may be I'll go to Germany in winter, also in business trip. Are there any advices how to choose the hotel where you can walk through the corridors without thinking you are watched by the securities?
Never thought about such an opportunity, thanks. But from the other hand if they have cams in the corridors they usually have a warning written somewhere there. And typically the cam view should cover all the space of the hall so if they have cams it will be hard to find the space which is unsurveilled. Or I'm wrong?reggind wrote:Something to ponder if you are a hall wanderer.
Thanks for the advicefindu wrote:If you want to check on hotels having cams in the corridors I'd advise to check out the hotel on TripAdvisor. On there you get the hotel photos but also photos taken and uploaded by guests. There's a good chance you see some shots involving the corridors there....
Thanks for this Information.JohnGypsy wrote:
Also, just to mention it, I was told after a decent conversation with one hotel that, by law, the cameras cannot be pointed anywhere where they could possibly see INSIDE a room if the door was open. So, most hallway cameras are always pointed at the elevator doors, any outside entrance/exit doors, and other such places. Normally, they do NOT actually look down the hallway.