audio ripped from cam capture

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audio ripped from cam capture

Post by sammyhe »


I mentioned I'd give this a shot, so here goes.

Context - young 20-something couple living in a home with some cameras (with audio) dotted around the place. Like some of you might know, some sites give you free access to a limited number of cameras NOT located in bedrooms. Attached is some audio that a lounge cam picked up last year. There is some background sound from a fishtank (might give away what site this was from) and things are pretty quiet with the odd moan here and there for the first 10-12 minutes and then things really pick up.

Hope you enjoy!
Sex in other room - 28-08-2013.mp3
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Re: audio ripped from cam capture

Post by reggind »

Cool! Thank you for the post. I am not at all adverse to sounds ripped from Videos as long as they are real and not staged or ripped from porn.
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