file to clean?

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file to clean?

Post by EXkleen »


I tried to record my neighbour but I only had a cam put on the wall.
Here is an extract of the file. If you amplify it, you can guess the girl.
It was clearly audible for me, but unfortunately not for the cam obviously.
I would like to know if it is possible to clear this file (and then learn how) or not. Anyone interested? Thanks
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Post by psifon »

I tried cleaning the file, however the noise to signal ratio on this is so high its nearly impossible to get anything out of it once it is filtered.
Nice try though.
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Post by mysx »

What is amplify??? Ha ha, I know nothing :lol:
I'll try anyway...
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Post by yeppie »

i know from own experience how you feel but i
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Post by mysx »

I think maybe something can be done to wall recordings. But it depends
how they are made from start, the target, the equipment, which material
the walls are made of etc. I've made wall recordings myself once.

I'm sorry kleen. If they was just a little louder maybe it would be worth to
upload a sample to show you. I can here her moaning a couple of times
but there's all too much noice because I had to encrease the volume quite
much before cleaning it. I can remove some noice with the denoicer and
the equalizer but I hear almost nothing then :?

Is there another file in the archive or anywhere that you want to clean?
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Post by EXkleen »

thanks to all of you for trying... Before I've also tried the tricks posted in some other message with wavepad. But as you said, we need to quite amplify it, and using denoicer just destroy everything. Perhaps I shouldn't have put the cam against the wall, because it was audible without this, and probably I was not on the right wall...

Ok, probably easier to record my girlfriend...
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Post by yeppie »

Hey kleen, don
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Post by mysx »

Yes kleen! You might become a true ssl master with the right
stuff (and the right wall lol) So don't give up, try again!

The denoicer isn't very good I know and I just used it a bit. But
together with another filter and the equalizer it was possible to hear
the woman moaning a couple of times. So if the sound is just a little
better next time (and a little longer) I think it will be ok.

And I have to learn exactly how to amplify. I'm swedish and I don't
understand some words. Is amplify same as normalize? I've noticed
that normalize is raising the volume very much... I've got MAGIX
Audio Cleaning Lab 11 deluxe just a while ago and I still haven't
learned everything.
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