A cold and windy night in Denmark.

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A cold and windy night in Denmark.

Post by LeStanf »


A business trip to the heart of Denmark last week, staying in a small town at the northern end of a partly-frozen fjord on a particularly cold and windy night. The hotel was on the town square, at the centre of which a brightly lit Christmas tree swayed in the blustery winds as flurries of dry snow swirled across the paved ground. As you can imagine, there were almost no people about and I sat alone in the restaurant drinking a glass of very pleasant local beer as I watched people arriving for the night.

For most of the evening, everyone arriving was a single traveler, probably staying for business as I was. By the time I'd finished my dinner I'd pretty much given up on making any recordings and was thinking about settling down for an early night. But then at about 8.45 pm a young couple arrived, completely wrapped up in padded ski suits to protect them from the elements. They dusted themselves off by the door and unzipped their jackets, before heading over to the bar for a drink. As they gradually warmed up and their outer layers of clothing and scarves were removed, revealing her to be a slim, dark haired thirty-something, wearing a black polo neck that clung to quite large, C/D-cupped breasts. He was a few inches taller than her, similarly slim with a neatly trimmed dark beard.

After a while they headed over to the lifts. I wasn't able to follow them immediately but noted that they went to the second floor. I was able to get up there about ten minutes' later but to my frustration I couldn’t hear a damned thing due to the noise of the wind. I slowly walked the corridor a couple of times but to no avail, the wind was just too much. So I headed upstairs to my own room.

About an hour later I was sitting at the desk surfing the web when I suddenly realised the wind had died down, so back downstairs I went…..

Danish couple evening.mp3

It's a pity that I missed the start of this but she's making some very nice little gasps here so I'm pretty pleased with what I've managed to capture.
The next sound was captured at 6.00 am. You need to listen to this one carefully because they are very quiet and restrained. I've listened several times because at first I wasn't sure it was a sexsound, but noise reducing headphones have led me to conclude that it is. Why else would she make those little gasps and moans? Anyway, I leave you to draw your own conclusions…

Danish couple morning (very quiet).mp3

I saw them again at breakfast, this time she was wearing a blue polo that was similarly clingy. I stood right next to her at the coffee pot and could see no signs of bra straps under her top but I believe this was a testament to her choice of underwear, I don’t believe they were free hanging. I took my time over eating though and was later able to confirm that they were indeed the couple occupying that room on the second floor.


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Re: A cold and windy night in Denmark.

Post by utiba »

Thanks a lot. Sure they make love at 6.00, no doubt !
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Re: A cold and windy night in Denmark.

Post by reggind »

Thank you for the captures! It was getting quiet around here.
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Re: A cold and windy night in Denmark.

Post by emmpet8 »

Many thanks for this.
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Re: A cold and windy night in Denmark.

Post by Soundbite »

Very nice captures. Certainly some rumpy-pumpy going on in both. When it's cold and howling windy outside, what better way to keep warm than to insert the immersion heater and build up some friction. :-)
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Re: A cold and windy night in Denmark.

Post by Auditory »

Are you in Denmark regularly? Thats my neck of the woods!
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Re: A cold and windy night in Denmark.

Post by LeStanf »

Auditory wrote: 03 Jan 2018 03:34 Are you in Denmark regularly? Thats my neck of the woods!
No not often, perhaps two or three short visits per year.
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