American vs. German screamers

Files and discussion about neighbors and roommates having sex
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American vs. German screamers

Post by whistlingtom »

Hi friends,

when going through the massive collection of neighborsex and motel sex files that we have collected in the archives over the past years, I recognized that in comparison to European girls american women have a tendency to exaggerate their moanings and overdo their screming and "oh my god"s a bit for my taste. In many cases they dont sound real to me. In that regard I prefer listening to German girls as they sound more authentic to me.

Therefore thanks again for all the sexy contributions from German sexsoundlovers.


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Post by thesoundguy »

Hey Tom,there was a go round about this in the old SSL groups about screamers,and I don't want to really get that stuff started again,but to me,when someone starts hooting and hollering and carrying on like that,90% of the time it's either a fake file taken from a porn movie,or the woman is hamming it up because she knows she is being recorded.Sorry to say,most real folks don't try to bring down the roof and scream like chimpanzees at a boundary dispute when they are having sex.there are exceptions of course,but caveat emptor when it comes to screamers,most of it is staged.
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hotel - screamers

Post by regnen11 »

Loud chicks...

I've heard a few - recorded one or two as well...

They have been in hotels and they didn't know I was out there. I don't think they were being creative on my account. Were they putting on a bit for the guy on top of them... perhaps - maybe they were a bit tired of the whole deal and just wanted him to finish - quickly. But from the recordings I have made - I don't necessarily think that's true.

The CTMP girl could be heard half way down the hallway. I could hear BlueGrass from the neighboring stairwell through a 12" block wall. The girl from the Exchange recording could clearly be heard 15 feet away. I lost a recording of a gal that I could hear from the floor below. Some people are less inhibited in a hotel - maybe they have an exhibitionist streak and are indulging it.

In the end, some women are more vocal, some less. I think it's a bit like breast sizes and shapes. I haven't seen two that were exactly alike but I'll keep looking and in the case of this forum... I'll keep listening.

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Post by mjj9994 »

Yes... this topic was covered thoroughly in the previous yahoo group....but in the spirit of further mutilating the horse... ill put in my 2 cents. While I am sure some clips ("Sweet Agony.. or whatever it's called), porn actors, phone sex clips, etc will be loud just for the gratuitious sake of it (be loud for the sake of being loud), most screamers/loud girls I have had personal experience with (with the exception of one girl who I asked to 'get louder') were genuine in their screams/screaches/moans. Some of the girls will even 'forewarn' their partners. I had one girl that told me beforehand that she was loud just so I wouldn't be upset/shocked at her vocal expressions (haha.. if she only knew).

So.. given that.... I highly doubt someone would tell you beforehand that they were loud if they planned on acting/faking. Come to think of it... i've been meaning to get around to posting some more of her..... so look for some clips maybe today or tommorow and make your own decisions on whether you think the sounds are acted out/faked or not.

Just my spin on the topic.... but each person's experiences are different.

- Mark
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Post by shung421 »

Is loud screaming from a woman fake? I think most of the sounds women make during sex are "real" the sense that women generally are more emotive than men in the first place. Notice that in most of our recordings here there is little sound from the's the women because they are used to showing emotion when they are happy (or unhappy) with something. In the case of sex, they moan and scream to indicate they are enjoying it (or, at least, appreciative of their man's attentions!). Plus, I've noticed most women will make more noise or be louder during certain types or positions of sex that they like best. I had one girlfriend who really wasn't very noisy during most sex but got quite vocal during doggy-style...that's what she liked best.

Having said that, I do tend to think that the women who get especially loud only during climax are "faking", or at least overacting!

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