where is the file ?

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where is the file ?

Post by domy »

Hello I'm new

Had a look through all parts of this forum, but could anyone explain to me where is the file for example


There are other threads with a story and description, but no file behind .

Am I not a full member or what is it ?
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Re: where is the file ?

Post by sc0tt-uk »

Hi Domy - firstly welcome aboard!

What you're seeing here is threads where the files have been archived. The forum has a storage quota of a couple hundred mb (I think), which gradually fills up as people upload new files. Once it's full (usually every month or so), our moderator moves the files to be archived to make space for new ones. Anybody who is a member can grab the files while they're fresh in the forum. Once they've been archived though, only active members can get ahold of them.

the whole active member system is having to be re-thought at the mo, because we had some legal threats not long ago and are still getting back to business. If you want to see how it worked before, take a look at the read first forum. It's likely that the new system will be similar. The thing that definitely won't change is that the best way to become an active member is to start capturing and uploading your own content. Once you get comfortable, being around to answer questions like this also makes you valuable to the community.

It's a long one, but with things changing as they are at the moment it takes some explaining. To sum it up, if you're a likeminded audio voyeur who's hella glad to have found this place and you'd like to be involved more, stick around and jump on any opportunity to help out you can, now is a good time to get involved while we're recovering from the big move. If you're pretty casual about it, it's still good to have you with us. Keep an eye on the forum, be as active as you feel comfortable with, and our new mod will be letting everyone know when the archives/member system is back in action.

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