Hello / Question

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Hello / Question

Post by Mitchconnor__ »

I’ve know about this site for a while but am still fairly new. I forgot the username for my original account so I made this new one. Just had a question I was hoping someone could answer.

I’ve been into the audio type porn for a while and was always looking for it online. I downloaded lots of them over the last couple years and recently realized that I cant actually find most of what I have online anymore. After browsing this site I figured I could add some content to the community.

As I said these were all things I had found online and none of the audios were actually recorded by me. I was wondering if that’s acceptable to post? Not sure if that’s a dumb question but I didn’t see anything about it in the rules and it seems like most recordings on here are recorded by the uploader.

So let me know if that’s cool! I’ve got 100+ recordings I’d be able to share.
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Re: Hello / Question

Post by yeppie »

Mitchconnor__ wrote: 07 Jan 2022 20:21 Hello!
I’ve know about this site for a while but am still fairly new. I forgot the username for my original account so I made this new one. Just had a question I was hoping someone could answer.

I’ve been into the audio type porn for a while and was always looking for it online. I downloaded lots of them over the last couple years and recently realized that I cant actually find most of what I have online anymore. After browsing this site I figured I could add some content to the community.

As I said these were all things I had found online and none of the audios were actually recorded by me. I was wondering if that’s acceptable to post? Not sure if that’s a dumb question but I didn’t see anything about it in the rules and it seems like most recordings on here are recorded by the uploader.

So let me know if that’s cool! I’ve got 100+ recordings I’d be able to share.
Welcome (again) Mitchconnor!

We have the various section for exactly this kind of sounds ... so your uploads are awaited ;-)
If you can remember where you found them or even got a story to tell, please share that too.
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Re: Hello / Question

Post by Mitchconnor__ »

Ok cool! Honestly I hadn’t even looked at the various section. A lot of the ones I have I labeled them based on the title when I downloaded it so I know what was happening or some of the details. If I have context for them should they still go in the various section?
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Re: Hello / Question

Post by yeppie »

Sorry for not replying earlier but I had to think about the answer myself.
Some time ago I would have answered, if you know it is Motel Sex / Neighborsex, upload it in that section but over the years it has been practiced differently by members so that only member created sounds go into these sections. Today I´d say, put everything you found somewhere else into the Various section.
Thank you for asking!
Sexsounds are Poetry for Adults
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