
Files and discussion about neighbors and roommates having sex
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Post by highpass »

Sitting in our garden, enjoying the nice weather, the window of our neigbors was open about 5 meters away.
The female part of our neighbors knew I was there.
I could hear the welcome sound of XP.
After a minute she almost screamed; did you watch porn again!!
He was embaressed and he tried to let her speak less loud.
Was it a good one!?, she asked, knowing I could hear their conversation.
As a little boy, punished by his big sister he mumbled...., I couldn't hear his answer.
This was around kl 21.00.

She knows it is better to satisfy her friend.....
Two hours later she was spreading her legs and he got what he needed.
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Re: Garden

Post by yeppie »

What a story.
Thanks Highpass.
Sexsounds are Poetry for Adults
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