Worth it to upgrade recorder?

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Worth it to upgrade recorder?

Post by Tossitup96 »

Hi, long time lurker first time poster here

I was wondering if it was worth it to upgrade my recording set-up? What I use now is an Olympus VN-5500 voice recorder paired with a Nikkei Acoustic listening device. The voice recorder is decent enough and it does the job, but it's kinda old. I used it from back in my university days to record lectures.

I was looking at getting either a Tascam DR-05x or an Olympus LS-P1. You know, something not too expensive. I was wondering if the upgrade is worth it, i.e. does the quality of the voice recorder affect the performance of the external microphone (the Nikkei) or are the sounds heard on the recording basically gonna be the same regardless of the recording device itself?
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