Housemate gay sex

Files and discussion about neighbors and roommates having sex
<Files from older threads in this forum have been moved to the archive>
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Re: Housemate gay sex

Post by sc0tt-uk »

Could be a minority view, but I think a separate forum for gay content would make the place even less welcoming if that area of the site had way lower hits and seemed neglected.
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Re: Housemate gay sex

Post by listenguys »

Scott.. Good post as always..

Previous poster.. i agree with you re freedom of choice.. but our little niche is specific.. one wouldnt post granny porn on a site designed for S&M fans.. As the the laughable assumption that women listen to sounds!! I know there are some alleged female posters on here, but haha!

What got us all in this were some sweet female moans we heard at one time.. those set the wheels in motion..had we hear two guys doing it that first time im sure non of us would be here right now using this site

And NO I'm not a homophobe by the way..for the record
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Re: Housemate gay sex

Post by maigretspenpal »

I certainly echo your feelings: I was attracted to this site only because I wanted to listen to female voices. The question remains if the site should exclude gay recordings. They do not appeal to me one iota. My point is that the site does not now explicitly exclude them. That's up to the administrators and I presume the membership to decide. I'm open-minded about it. If they are to be included, I prefer to have those recordings isolated from the others, so I can ignore them, because they do not appeal to me. But that's just my preference which I am not trying to impose on everyone else. This is a good discussion, which by the way is another reason I like this site - the opportunity to interact with the members.
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Re: Housemate gay sex

Post by d2009sd2009s »

Actually, I don't understand how special section of the forum for gay sounds will change the situation. It is stated in the name of the topic that the sound you find here is a gay sound. If you like it you download, if not - do not. You are not forced to download it if you do not want to hear such stuff, and as for me, making gay sound a great problem looks a little bit strange in modern world. And also I have to agree with one of the previous posters: gay sound and sound of dog f*cking are essentially different things.
Also have to say here, that I'm straight man so this recording does not turn me on, but the sound quality is excellent and it was an interesting experience, so thanks to the poster.
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Re: Housemate gay sex

Post by Audio »

maigretspenpal wrote:I prefer to have those recordings isolated from the others, so I can ignore them, because they do not appeal to me. But that's just my preference which I am not trying to impose on everyone else.
I agree with you. I would create a own MM section on the board.
"I must take my hat off in admiration for those intrepid aural lovers, who risk sleep deprivation, reputation, liberty, and life itself (perhaps) to capture the sounds that are posted to this website." © Forum-Member 'Soundbite'
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Re: Housemate gay sex

Post by listenguys »

Dog, cat, mouse, birds, bees, men, women... the sounds of animals fu##ing are all the same actually.. I know we all have to be seen as PC when it comes to homosexuality so let's go the whole hog for the one closet hugger on here and change the site logo to include a man gurning as he blows his load!! My point is THIS for those that MISSED IT.. Why was the guy that posted that stuff crying about not getting recognition, when the stuff he posted isn't what 99% of site users like?? i was never concerned about the post itself.. not my bag..just like when im on a porn site i pick and choose
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Re: Housemate gay sex

Post by maigretspenpal »

Thanks, listenguys. I actually did not focus on the point you made. The poster should really not be complaining about lack of recognition, since he posted on a site where the exclusive interest seems to me to be the sounds of female's having sex. But, as you said, if we are going to be inclusive, for whatever reason, and I agree PC seems to be the factor a lot of times, then these posts should be in a separate category or forum, and if few people listen to them, that's according to the law of supply and demand. But more to the point, if the poster wants recognition he should post on another site where he is more likely to get it. That would be the prudent think to do in my opinion. In other words - sorry to be too gabby - why crash a female sex sound site. It would be like a straight guy going into a lesbian bar and complaining that no one is taking interest in him. Wouldn't it? Again, I think the discussions on this site are very thought-provoking and stimulating. No bias against gays meant , which has to be emphasized these days to thwart the obvious counterpoints at times.
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Re: Housemate gay sex

Post by bennoman57 »

Its not like he sneaked it in, it is a site for sex sounds as far as I am concerned and has it's place, no-one is forced to listen.
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Re: Housemate gay sex

Post by sc0tt-uk »

listenguys wrote: As the the laughable assumption that women listen to sounds!! I know there are some alleged female posters on here, but haha!
I've met a few who do, and I'm 99% certain that they weren't just a few of the SSL chaps wearing dresses...
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Re: Housemate gay sex

Post by sc0tt-uk »

It's strange to me that this post is being discussed according to different criteria than usual. Usually, on this site we seem to care most about authenticity. IE, some pretty shitty quality files have generated tons of discussion over the years because the content is a genuine voyeurism experience. In case nobody's noticed, this one is too, so I don't really see why it doesn't deserve to be here in one of the busier forums clearly tagged and described (just as I'd like any other recording to be, so I can judge whether it might interest me). To put it another way, neighbour recordings run the full gambit of situations and ages and expressiveness, but I can't recall ever seeing someone say "I don't enjoy the vocal register of the woman in this recording, so all other women who sound like her should be posted in a separate category", or "the speed this couple move at leads me to believe they're both fat. Why do we not have a fatties subcategory under the neighbour sex subcategory?"

No wait, better example than the above two - there is not yet and probably never will be a single reply to sexyredheads recent girl-on-girl post recommending that it be moved to a separate area. When that happens, you've got a leg to stand on... just about.
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Re: Housemate gay sex

Post by maigretspenpal »

Certainly there will be differences of opinion but I think people should be civil towards each other and respect other opinions. The point you seem to miss is that listeners on this site primarily want to listen to WOMEN, whether coupled with a male or with another woman. So the extreme situations you outlined in your argument seem to me to be unwarranted. I do not really care one way or the other, if gay recordings are included or where they are filed. It is just not good manners to completely reject other views with disdain . Debate and discussion is good. As with any controversial topic, tempers will flare but harsh words are not called for. It is up to the administrators to decide what is inclusive or not, while I presume taking into consideration members' opinions.
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Re: Housemate gay sex

Post by listenguys »

As I said before Scott if we are going to include gay love sounds nd all be cool with that lets include a guy on the site logo (currently a woman writhing wit pleasure-not very inclusive of our gay sounds fans)... I always enjoy your posts an you make a lot I sense... usually

I don't care care if it's fat thin ugly or beautiful coz my imagination can iron those issues out for me.. As long as the moaning is female... I can listen to a guy and imagine it to be a girl
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Re: Housemate gay sex

Post by sc0tt-uk »

maigretspenpal wrote:The point you seem to miss is that listeners on this site primarily want to listen to WOMEN, whether coupled with a male or with another woman. So the extreme situations you outlined in your argument seem to me to be unwarranted.
From chatting to people over PM, I've been surprised how specific some people's tastes are. For example, I know of a few regulars here who lap up the neighbour/motel stuff, but tend to skip over most stuff in the members posts section or anything less covert. I haven't yet seen one of those people asking for deeper subcategories, or any reorganisation based on their prefernces - they just log in, listen to what they like, and move along passed anything that doesn't interest them. What I'm trying to figure out is... why is this post any different? It was made perfectly clear what the content was, so surely nobody downloaded this and got a surprise...
maigretspenpal wrote:As with any controversial topic, tempers will flare but harsh words are not called for.
Sorry if my last post read as being harsh or dismissive, that wasn't the intent. Cool as a cucumber at this end :)
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Re: Housemate gay sex

Post by sc0tt-uk »

listenguys wrote:I always enjoy your posts an you make a lot I sense... usually
Hahaha, loving "usually" there.

Would be interesting to get some female perspective on this. Ladies (and inevitably gentlemen posing as them), what say you?
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Re: Housemate gay sex

Post by maigretspenpal »

Scott, This thread is becoming so long that it is becoming an end in itself. I marvel that so much time has been spent on it. I really am beginning to regret I even weighed in but I thought since there some divergent views I would try to float a compromise to assuage people's feelings. I was trying to be the good intermediary but I evidently bombed out. Tell me this: Have you ever run across a sex site or erotica site such as that did not isolate gay sex as a category? It is done to facilitate people's searches for that genre. (I must add to the discussion that some women do like to enjoy gay sex stories, just as some men like to read or view females having sex. My former girl friend said she like to do it and told me it is not uncommon for women from time to time out of curiosity or otherwise to do it.) So I really cannot fathom why this site would be any different. That was what I was trying to float as an idea. It really does not make any difference to me if gay clips are scattered throughout the Forums, if they are clearly marked as you pointed out this one was. I do think a female perspective would be useful, as you wrote. I have no clue how many female members are on this site. That demographic would be interesting to learn. Anyway, let's call a truce. I have stated my honest opinion and preference. I'll leave it at that and stand back and let others including I hope Eppie, put in their two cents as we say on this side of the pond. And thanks for the dialogue, Maigret
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