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Re: My neighbour has a new boyfriend...

Posted: 05 Jan 2013 05:43
by billgreg
sc0tt-uk wrote:Question for everyone: The best distant capture I have of her is happening at the same time as the guy on the floor below is saying his prayers very loudly. Personally, I found the contrast weirdly funny, but it's an unusual one isn't it! Anyone likely to take offense?
I've had my share of time with apartment living, spending so many hours voyeuristically listening that it could be counted as whole days. I've heard some weird I'm game!

Re: My neighbour has a new boyfriend...

Posted: 05 Jan 2013 14:34
by yeppie
For me, both activities are a trial to connect to a higher level, so I´d love to hear it.

Re: My neighbour has a new boyfriend...

Posted: 10 Jan 2013 14:53
by trinidad
sc0tt-uk wrote:Question for everyone: The best distant capture I have of her is happening at the same time as the guy on the floor below is saying his prayers very loudly. Personally, I found the contrast weirdly funny, but it's an unusual one isn't it! Anyone likely to take offense?
The audio on your recordings is so crisp and clear. We can actually hear how wet Rachels pussy is when her boyfriend penetrates her. :P Personally, I'm not really interested in faint sound recordings.

Re: My neighbour has a new boyfriend...

Posted: 10 Jan 2013 21:05
by sc0tt-uk
trinidad wrote:We can actually hear how wet Rachels pussy is when her boyfriend penetrates her. :P
Glad someone else is noticing those little details!
trinidad wrote:Personally, I'm not really interested in faint sound recordings.
No probs, I'll label them clearly so you can skip over 'em and on to the good stuff :)

If their routine holds up, should be time for them to spend at least one night this weekend at Rachels place. I'm hoping for Saturday as I'll be here alone.

Re: My neighbour has a new boyfriend...

Posted: 11 Jan 2013 23:15
by sc0tt-uk
Quick post to let you all know that Chap is in residence. Luckily, my plans got switched around so I'm here alone tonight.

Two recorders at the ready this time, just in case they set the other couple off. If I can hear her from my flat, they must be able to hear her too.

Let's see what we get...

Re: My neighbour has a new boyfriend...

Posted: 12 Jan 2013 03:06
by jojo33
Good Luck!

Re: My neighbour has a new boyfriend...

Posted: 12 Jan 2013 16:33
by cpower36
God speed Scott! Be careful though. If you ever got caught I think I'd start to cry.

Re: My neighbour has a new boyfriend...

Posted: 12 Jan 2013 17:43
by ekoom222
Anxious to hear! Any results?

Re: My neighbour has a new boyfriend...

Posted: 13 Jan 2013 00:05
by sc0tt-uk
Mental note from last night is as follows: CHECK YOUR BATTERIES, ROOKIE!

My usual recorder died half way to Rachel's door, and somehow I'd forgotten to check whether the second one was even charged (it has an in built battery that isn't swappable). After a frantic scramble through my spares drawer, which turned out to contain spare everything-in-the-whole-world-apart-from-fucking-batteries, I remembered an older recorder that I hadn't thrown out even though the USB connection had stopped functioning. Luckily, it'd held some charge, and I got back to Rachel's door around 180 seconds later (with a heart rate to match)!

Ended up with two files from last night, both somewhat underwhelming. Firstly, Chap appears to have gone from an enthusiastic young scamp to Barry White in the space of a week. Secondly, they've taken to closing the bedroom door... damn! Managed to increase what's audible by quite a lot compared to the raw recording though, so they're probably still worth a listen. The conversation at the end of the first file once the bedroom door was back open is hilariously geeky. Gotta love that!

Re: My neighbour has a new boyfriend...

Posted: 13 Jan 2013 03:27
by Quadrophenia1
Yeah, bring it on! We've become fairly good at blocking out stuff and zeroing in on other sounds. The distant captures demand our patience, but it can certainly be rewarding.

Re: My neighbour has a new boyfriend...

Posted: 13 Jan 2013 08:49
by Audio
thanks, very nice thread, i like also the clear recordings!

Re: My neighbour has a new boyfriend...

Posted: 16 Jan 2013 03:45
by V-E
trinidad wrote:The audio on your recordings is so crisp and clear. We can actually hear how wet Rachels pussy is when her boyfriend penetrates her. :P Personally, I'm not really interested in faint sound recordings.
I boosted some of the upper frequencies a little and heard it, too. Very nice.

Re: My neighbour has a new boyfriend...

Posted: 18 Jan 2013 04:21
by U2Fan101
Hahaha, I'm actually saying "booyah" at the end. It's kinda a current London version of Geffrey's "result", although I'm a lot less Welsh/weird than him hopefully. Didn't know you guys got Coupling in the states though - loved that show! Was it the Brit version or a remake?[/quote]

There was a US remake - never saw it, only lasted a few episodes before it got cancelled. I saw Coupling years ago when it aired on BBC America. One of my favorites shows ever.

Re: My neighbour has a new boyfriend...

Posted: 18 Jan 2013 19:57
by spock
Great recording. I actually like the pillow talk at the end. This gets cut out of way too many recordings....
"Pent up Passion" tee hee! :lol:

Re: My neighbour has a new boyfriend...

Posted: 20 Jan 2013 10:52
by lifeonmars73d
Am really enjoying this post. Well done on a great story.