The first of TWO couples I captured on Sunday morning.
UK car sex: "oh, my god!" - two horny ladies caught having hot fun together after midnight (Site 3 layby)
Wow! It took me nearly four years of doing outdoor captures, but I finally caught just the type of recording I've
been seeking: a recording of a lesbian couple having sex inside a car.
What's more, the quality of the recording is really good because they parked right next to a device and at least
one window was open throughout their session - and their sounds were nice and loud for us to enjoy!
The couple arrived at around 1:25am, Sunday, and stayed for just over 1 hour and 25 minutes.
I have uploaded four sound files.
There are three 30-second sample files of their moans.
The long file is the recording of their entire stay - from arrival to departure.
Their session starts 23 minutes into this file.
Some main points:
I'll just call the UK-born one 'LES1', and the other one 'LES2' (unimaginative, I know). I think LES2 originates from a
Central/Eastern European country (I have no idea which).
0:00 - 0:52 - arrival and parking
1:12 - a window is lowered
1:50 - music volume is increased
3:06 - LES1 boasts about her rapping skills (the rap song playing on the radio is
Kendrick Lamar - Swimming Pools)
5:11 - LES2 - "do you wanna cuddle at the back?"
6:08 - LES2 - "you're gonna properly go drink with them, me and you, when we go holiday [sounds like]'re gonna
go to my club"
LES1 - "ohohoho, yeah!"
LES2 - "huh?"
LES1 - "yeah, but I'm not drinking there"
LES2 - "definitely you're gonna go?"
LES1 - "definitely not drinking there"
LES2 - "OK, we joke"
More chatter for a few more minutes, then...
10:43 - 19:41 - the engine is switched on to warm the car interior
19:47 - one of them says: "wait, wait, wait..."
20:07 - sound of window being lowered/raised
23:30 - the first moan, followed by louder ones - sounds like LES1(?)
30:20 - some hot moans from LES2(?) from this point
30:55 - LES1 - "don't give me a lovebite!"
36:42 - "oh, my god!"
37:41 - "oh, my god!...oh, my god!"
38:57 - "oh, my god!...oh, my god!"
46:27 - "oh, my god!"
47:19 - "wow!"
49:41 - LES1(?) moaning
1:05:38 - LES2(?) moaning
1:14:37 - LES2(?) goes "oowww!"
1:16:33 - LES1 - "I can't bend my leg!" (they both laugh)
1:17:18 - LES1 - "want some pasta?...are you hungry?"
1:23:24 - the engine is switched on
1:25:54 - they leave the layby
Recording date: 10 April 2022.