can men have multiple orgasms (MMO)

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can men have multiple orgasms (MMO)

Post by Paul7979 »

The short anwer is yes, the long is yes but it takes a lot of time and effort.

Basically there are two paths for men, one related to penis stimulation and the other to prostate stimulation.. the former can be pursued through two methods, the first being the ability to cross over the point of no return (POnr) but avoiding ejaculation through a Kegel of the bc muscle and the second aiming for a complete relaxation of the body, pelvic floor and muscles staying in the 7/8 level of the arousal scale .. both are methods that with training make it possible to separate orgasms from ejaculation thus eliminating the refractory period.

As regards prostate stimulation the methods are with or without a toy (Aneros) and usually the most effective approach is through mindgasm exercises..
The objective of this is to ignore the penis as much as possible so as to make it possible to perceive feelings and pleasure from the prostate ...

Of course, as you can imagine, all these approaches do not work over night and do not work for every one. But we have realized that overall they work and anyone should assess themselves what better suits to them ... The important thing is to enjoy the journey because sooner or later it happens..

We know people who are good in a specific approach and not in others but summing things up there is a bunch of people who in aggregate are able to support others willing to go through any of the above-mentioned paths .
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