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New and looking for my OWN sounds!

Posted: 31 Mar 2023 16:45
by cnor87
Hi everyone! I've had an account here for a while, but haven't really been active, so this is my first post. I caught a link to some great sounds today - the "More Adventures of Big Guy" post viewtopic.php?t=11335 - and it reminded me of my own past. I'm wondering if I might randomly find my own clips someday!

In case any of you recorded me, you should know I won't be mad - I just want to have it for myself! I'd be grateful if you shared my clips! Most opportunities for recording me would have been in an apartment with unique balconies at Penn State around 2011-2013. I had dozens of women over, and most of them moaned and screamed about my huge cock. I lived alone in an apartment, but I always thought my neighbor (a slightly older guy for a college town, probably in his 30s or 40s at the time) was listening in on it. I heard noises against the wall a couple of times when I fucked in the living room that bordered his apartment. He definitely heard me and the girls - no way that could have been avoided, especially when I fucked in my living room. There were brick walls between us, but sound travelled well in the building.

If you think that might have been you, and you recorded it, please please please share!

Re: New and looking for my OWN sounds!

Posted: 16 May 2023 16:03
by cnor87
I knew this was a longshot lol but still holding out hope