Intense GF Orgasm
Posted: 05 Aug 2023 01:35
As promised, here is another file from my collection of self-records. Another hotel weekend - my gf made a show of unpacking her favourite wand in front of me when we checked into the room, so I knew we would be having some fun after dinner. I edited out some chat before we got started, but this is after dinner with some friends who are quite open about their sexual exploits. Lots of chat at the restaurant about our experiences on nude beaches, risky sex in public or in hotel rooms with curtains open. Sure enough, when we got back to the room, my gf did not close the curtains and made sure there was some nice ambient lighting. Nothing that made it too obvious outside, and I doubt anyone was in the office block across the street anyway. Some of the chat involved watching, and being watched by, the other couple. Neither of us lasted long! Enjoy.