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Bosses Wife

Posted: 12 Apr 2012 20:25
by JulietH
So, the boss is away and I'm on the afternoon shift. I thought the Mrs was acting a bit strange, she had booked a 'couple' into one of the old rooms at the back (we rarely use them unless full). With so many better rooms to use I wondered why she was putting people in that room - I quized her later and she said they had a dog (we dont take dogs!!!). Anyway about 3pm she said she was going out however at about the same time I saw a man arrive who promptly headed for 'the room'. I could hear her voice as soon as I visited the corridor saying they had to be quick. Managed to catch this bit, she was back in reception before an hour was up.
This is a nice looking matured woman, 5'10 tall, blonde a bit lumley looking and large breasts. Always well dressed and lots of lipstick. Had changed colour by the afternoon :-). Oh and she 48

Re: Bosses Wife

Posted: 14 Jul 2012 18:10
by boatie
Wow, this is the best story and audio I've ever heard!

Re: Bosses Wife

Posted: 16 Jul 2012 08:03
by Bazzy
Shes a faker mate, lets not invite her back ehhh?!