Extracting sound from YouTube clips

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Extracting sound from YouTube clips

Post by emmpet8 »

Apologies if this is old hat, but I notice quite a few links to sound files in YouTube. If any of you want to visit those links, download them and then save them as WAV, MP3 or AC3 files there's plenty of software to do it. One free extractor that works really well is called AoA Audio Extractor. You can select up to three files at a time and if you pay a bit for the more advanced version you can do a lot more in a single process. It's hardly worth paying though, as it doesn't take long to do three and there's no limit to the overall total you do at any one time. If anyone is interested here's a link.

http://download.cnet.com/AoA-Audio-Extr ... 05079.html
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Re: Extracting sound from YouTube clips

Post by Rograd »

I like to use freestudio. http://www.dvdvideosoft.com/

Besides a wide variety of other things, it will download youtube videos to one of a number of sound or video formats. Nice if you want to keep the video.

You can "tag" a number of files for later downloading. If you go to a youtube user's video list, you can tell it to download all.

Not a bad program.
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Re: Extracting sound from YouTube clips

Post by reggind »

I second dvdsoft's free studio. Great piece of free software.
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