Posted: 01 Sep 2013 01:51
Hello all. I'm a 30 year old male from Illinois. I have loved hearing people have sex for a long time. Nice to find a place where I feel at home. I've had a lot of experiences hearing people have sex since I've always lived in apartments or in houses with friends. I recorded a lot of it but lost it over the years. I currently live in a little duplex neighborhood where all the houses are close together and you aren't allowed to have air conditioners upstairs. That's where the bedrooms are. Still with the hot weather and open windows I have yet to hear anything. I have a beautiful 22 year old girlfriend who after 4 years together loves sex constantly. (Lucky me). Will probably post some of our audio soon. She gets quite loud at times and has recently taken an interest in walking around the house naked with the blinds open and having sex too. Can't wait to post and talk to you all!!