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Siobhan quietly pleasures herself.

Posted: 23 Nov 2014 10:15
by LeStanf
It's been a frustrating few months for me from a voyeurism standpoint. Despite numerous hotel stays, I've heard not a peep from the galleries. So here's something a little bit different to keep things ticking over until my luck changes.

Last weekend I went to a gathering of family and friends at my brother's house. It wasn't particularly riotous, although much alcohol was consumed, but it was a really pleasant evening meeting people I hadn't seen for ages and some I'd never met before.

At the end of the night most of us slept over, including a lovely lady called Siobhan who opted for the big sofa in the living room. This was positioned at the bottom of an open staircase and even though I knew there couldn't be much action in such a position, out of curiosity I left my little USB recorder in my bag next to the sofa.

Siobhan is a quiet person, about 5' 7", medium build, dark complexion and well proportioned breasts. She slept soundly for most of the night, except for a few minutes about a couple of hours' after everyone had gone to bed when I captured the clip here.

Re: Siobhan quietly pleasures herself.

Posted: 23 Nov 2014 18:14
by elltell
Oooh that's lovely, from about 2'20" you can picture her doing it!

Re: Siobhan quietly pleasures herself.

Posted: 23 Nov 2014 21:00
by Audio
i doubt that she would take only 1 or 2 minutes to pleasure herself let alone reach an orgasm.

Re: Siobhan quietly pleasures herself.

Posted: 24 Nov 2014 09:14
by LeStanf
Audio wrote:i doubt that she would take only 1 or 2 minutes to pleasure herself let alone reach an orgasm.
Oh, I disagree on both points there, Audio. A woman who knows her own body can easily come in a couple of minutes when the mood takes her, and silently too. In view of Siobhan's situation, I'm surprised she made as much noise as she did. And no doubt she took a lot longer than this clip indicates but she was keeping very, very quiet down there - I didn't hear another noise from her all night.

Re: Siobhan quietly pleasures herself.

Posted: 24 Nov 2014 12:20
by Broggie
Audio wrote:i doubt that she would take only 1 or 2 minutes to pleasure herself let alone reach an orgasm.
I don't care....wanking is wanking.....GO GIRL!!!

Re: Siobhan quietly pleasures herself.

Posted: 25 Nov 2014 04:01
by reggind
>I don't care....wanking is wanking.....GO GIRL!!!

Roger that! I am looking forward to this one!!! Thanks for sharing it!!

Re: Siobhan quietly pleasures herself.

Posted: 25 Nov 2014 09:18
by alphonse01
This is a very nice recording. But did you notice the surprise? I listened to it very carefully with my headset, and she really whispers something to someone right after cumming.

Was she really alone?

What do you think?

Re: Siobhan quietly pleasures herself.

Posted: 29 Nov 2014 09:27
by LeStanf
Well, I suppose it is possible there was someone else there with her but these were the only sounds I captured during the whole night's recording, so the other person would have to have been everso quiet.

I think it's more likely Siobhan was whispering to herself after she'd finished.

Re: Siobhan quietly pleasures herself.

Posted: 29 Nov 2014 13:21
by Lorider3
That sounded like two people to me too

Re: Siobhan quietly pleasures herself.

Posted: 11 Dec 2014 19:21
by LeStanf
There's another party at Bro's place this weekend, a pre-Christmas booze-up this time. I believe Siobhan will be there again, so I'll do my best to set the recorder. Who knows?

Re: Siobhan quietly pleasures herself.

Posted: 12 Dec 2014 08:59
by Broggie
LeStanf wrote:There's another party at Bro's place this weekend, a pre-Christmas booze-up this time. I believe Siobhan will be there again, so I'll do my best to set the recorder. Who knows?

Here's hoping :D