DVD's und VHS zu verkaufen

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DVD's und VHS zu verkaufen

Post by ak75 »

Wir lösen unsere DVD- und VHS-Sammlung auf. Es befinden sich darunter Amateurfilme wie z.B. Happy Video Privat, aber auch Hardcore-Filme, Gina Wild usw. Wer Interesse an der Liste hat, bitte per Email an: alphakilo@ak-weser.eu oder per PN hier im Forum.

Yeppie, vielleicht könntest Du das nochmal ins Englische übersetzen. Wink
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Post by yeppie »

Here´s an english version of ak75´s message:

We are resolving (is there a better word?) our DVD and VHS Video Collection containing amateur vids (like Happy Video Privat, a german series where a "reporter" visits couples to talk about (short) and film (longer) their sexlife and also hardcore porn (e.g. Gina Wild).
Anyone interested in the list of titles please email or pn ak75 (not yeppie).
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Post by capricornster »

Hey Yeppie

I'd say 'compiling' would be a more correct translation than 'resolving'.

But your English is far better than my Deutsche :)
-+ capricornster +-
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Post by yeppie »

Thanks Capricornster.

But isn´t compiling more like the opposite of what I wanted to say?
compiling ~ building a collection,
resolving ~ selling the items from a collection?

btw, I really mean it when I ask for correction as I´d like to learn and improve my english always. So you´re not impolite when pointing to one of my many mistakes. On the other hand I´m not shy to make these mistakes.
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Post by capricornster »

Ah, I understand! So they are breaking up their collection for sale? I still am not sure that 'resolve' would be quite the right word in this context though - perhaps 'dissolve' would be better :)

As you can tell, I'm not even an expert in my own language but am always happy to try to help (if asked!)
-+ capricornster +-
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