First Motel Sex recording... But bad luck
Posted: 09 Jun 2015 23:35
Hi there,
I would not share this rather untypical resording with you if it would`nt have costed quite a lot of efforts to get it, and so I thought you anyway should be able to listen it...
It was recorded in a hotel in Berlin about two weeks ago, when the final game of the DFG-Championchip was taking place at the Berlin Olympia stadium. In the late evening when I was catching the underground, a lot of "Borussia Dortmund"-Fans were populating my train, singing strange anthems and jumping up and down so I left the underground being happy that I safely arrived. Entering the hotel there were some issues with the reservation (it was a middle class hotel but in this season they also take about 100 € per night) so I left the reception hall to my room half an hour later... Coming out of the elevator, I became aware of an additional surprise: on each floor and every staiway there were cameras (!) which is not uncommon in german hotels but I did not expected them according to the information collected from the internet before...
This was acually a pity because there were quite a lot of young couples (sometimes accompanied by their parents, but in a different room) but because of the cameras there was not to much chance to lurk around in other floors and look for interesting sounds without attracting suspicion. Hence I was quite limited to some noises that I could listen from my room on my floor, and at about 11 pm I actually became aware of some moans, so I tried to localize their origin and started the recording. Luckily I saw this couple coming back to their room about an hour before, she was about 1m70 blonde tall and quite sweet.
I tried to record their moans and bed crunching, which is recording B_1, however, as I noticed later, a group of pensioners in a neighbouring room is making quite a lot of noise which overlaps with the sounds of our interest. At a certain point some of them left the room and went to their own rooms, which forced me to interrupt the recording but at least their noise disappeared.
When I started a second attempt of recording at the same room (keep in mind there were cameras, so it was not soo easy), I got B_2, of which I also tried to produce a noisereduced version because there is some conversation included. It is a bit difficult to follow what actually happend in there, my impression is that they had some intercourse sex during the first recording (which I listened myself), and in the second recording she is giving him a hand/blowjob, but both are at the end surprised that he is coming unexpectedly early, while she is complaing that it took too long for her... it`s a bit contradictory, I know, maybe you can make a better clue out of it and let us know your interpretation...
In B_2, from 0:55-1:10 you can listen to some silent moans of him
1:20 He "Ahh Ja...Oh scheisse, pass auf er kommt gleich" (Oh, shit, be careful, I am coming)
1:27 She "Ich kann dann auch bald mal nicht mehr" (I cannot go on anymore)
She complaining about something...
1:50 He: "Entschuldigung..."
2:10 She "Ich hab Muskelkater...völlig vermasselt" (I have muscle ache)
2:25 She "Ich konnt grad einfach nicht mehr" (...I was not able to keep going)
2:30 He "Du hättest ja auch mal ne Pause machen können" (You might have had a break in between...)
4:10 She "Ich kann auch nicht unendlich und drei Stunden" (I cannot do it endlessly)
4:17 He "Ich fühl mich jetzt unter Druck gesetzt ... dann kann ich mich doch nicht entspannen" (I cannot relax if I feel pressure...)
I would not share this rather untypical resording with you if it would`nt have costed quite a lot of efforts to get it, and so I thought you anyway should be able to listen it...
It was recorded in a hotel in Berlin about two weeks ago, when the final game of the DFG-Championchip was taking place at the Berlin Olympia stadium. In the late evening when I was catching the underground, a lot of "Borussia Dortmund"-Fans were populating my train, singing strange anthems and jumping up and down so I left the underground being happy that I safely arrived. Entering the hotel there were some issues with the reservation (it was a middle class hotel but in this season they also take about 100 € per night) so I left the reception hall to my room half an hour later... Coming out of the elevator, I became aware of an additional surprise: on each floor and every staiway there were cameras (!) which is not uncommon in german hotels but I did not expected them according to the information collected from the internet before...
This was acually a pity because there were quite a lot of young couples (sometimes accompanied by their parents, but in a different room) but because of the cameras there was not to much chance to lurk around in other floors and look for interesting sounds without attracting suspicion. Hence I was quite limited to some noises that I could listen from my room on my floor, and at about 11 pm I actually became aware of some moans, so I tried to localize their origin and started the recording. Luckily I saw this couple coming back to their room about an hour before, she was about 1m70 blonde tall and quite sweet.
I tried to record their moans and bed crunching, which is recording B_1, however, as I noticed later, a group of pensioners in a neighbouring room is making quite a lot of noise which overlaps with the sounds of our interest. At a certain point some of them left the room and went to their own rooms, which forced me to interrupt the recording but at least their noise disappeared.
When I started a second attempt of recording at the same room (keep in mind there were cameras, so it was not soo easy), I got B_2, of which I also tried to produce a noisereduced version because there is some conversation included. It is a bit difficult to follow what actually happend in there, my impression is that they had some intercourse sex during the first recording (which I listened myself), and in the second recording she is giving him a hand/blowjob, but both are at the end surprised that he is coming unexpectedly early, while she is complaing that it took too long for her... it`s a bit contradictory, I know, maybe you can make a better clue out of it and let us know your interpretation...
In B_2, from 0:55-1:10 you can listen to some silent moans of him
1:20 He "Ahh Ja...Oh scheisse, pass auf er kommt gleich" (Oh, shit, be careful, I am coming)
1:27 She "Ich kann dann auch bald mal nicht mehr" (I cannot go on anymore)
She complaining about something...
1:50 He: "Entschuldigung..."
2:10 She "Ich hab Muskelkater...völlig vermasselt" (I have muscle ache)
2:25 She "Ich konnt grad einfach nicht mehr" (...I was not able to keep going)
2:30 He "Du hättest ja auch mal ne Pause machen können" (You might have had a break in between...)
4:10 She "Ich kann auch nicht unendlich und drei Stunden" (I cannot do it endlessly)
4:17 He "Ich fühl mich jetzt unter Druck gesetzt ... dann kann ich mich doch nicht entspannen" (I cannot relax if I feel pressure...)