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Overheard while walking home

Posted: 02 Jan 2017 09:18
by armou
A few months ago I overheard a couple with a very loud female as I was walking home from the bars. Seems like they were on the second floor of their house but had the window open because this is how well I could hear it from the street/sidewalk. Sorry for the occasional noise--there weren't many (any? it was late) other people around on foot but I had to keep walking around so I didn't look weird standing/stopping in the middle of the sidewalk.

Re: Overheard while walking home

Posted: 03 Jan 2017 01:55
by edtraveller
Awesome recording - I love stuff like this. Being there makes my heart pound. Thanks for the nice contribution - Happy New Year!

Re: Overheard while walking home

Posted: 03 Jan 2017 13:02
by elltell
That's such a lovely sound. Yes, my heart would be pounding too!
I remember years ago, I was round my friends flat having a few drinks. When it was time to leave, I heard a similar sound coming from the upstairs flat as I was putting my coat on?! I was planning to walk upstairs instead and listen through the door? of my dopey friends (at the time) decided to leave with me and walk home with me! Grrrr
I was so gutted that night, walking away from that lovely sound I could hear. It's never happened to me since. :-/

Re: Overheard while walking home

Posted: 04 Jan 2017 03:36
by reggind
Don't you just hate that, having to pretend to keep moving because she is being so noisy. When I lived in town on occasion I would walk my dog late on a summer night and have the same thing happen on occasion.

Re: Overheard while walking home

Posted: 04 Jan 2017 08:33
by JW679
I wish I was this lucky for sound captures. There is nothing but desert where I live.

Re: Overheard while walking home

Posted: 06 Jan 2017 07:34
by armou
Thanks for the feedback! Here is another file that I think was from a similar location, definitely in the summer because you can hear the noise of an air conditioner (though they were obviously loud enough to be heard over that).

Besides these, I have a few older files of other locations that I've been meaning to post. Stay tuned. :)

Re: Overheard while walking home

Posted: 06 Jan 2017 12:06
by elltell
Ooh she sounds so sweet. Lovely recording. Can't wait to hear more from you?!

Re: Overheard while walking home

Posted: 07 Jan 2017 00:02
by physicist
its possible, i once heard from 2 floors above me. it was like music to my ears

Re: Overheard while walking home

Posted: 07 Jan 2017 17:06
by sexnoise123
THANK YOU. You are so lucky.

Re: Overheard while walking home

Posted: 09 Jan 2017 22:42
by Rio
you sure did get lucky!!! Thanks

Re: Overheard while walking home

Posted: 17 Jan 2017 18:15
by Soundbite
Wow, very clear for an outside recording. Just a pity it was so short, but that couldn't be helped. Thank you. :)

Re: Overheard while walking home

Posted: 19 Jan 2017 03:38
by armou
Thanks, everyone! I was indeed very lucky to stumble upon such clear noises--thank goodness for nice weather and open windows (and maybe people who don't care who hears, haha).

Re: Overheard while walking home

Posted: 22 Jan 2017 11:28
by Jeremy
these are great - and such fortuitious timing on your part! hope you have more ;)

Re: Overheard while walking home

Posted: 27 May 2017 21:37
by HeWhoHsNoNm
I once heard one of my roommates go at it a couple of times with a girl but never thought of recording it and I dont think I had any good device at the time to record it. I also heard one time two neighbors go at it as well. All at this one apartment building that I was renting at.