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work colleague keeping quiet

Posted: 12 May 2017 10:38
by JulietH
We call her Michelle because she looks exactly like Michelle Phiffer (think I have spelt that about right).
Another work trip and one of the senior managers came to see what we have been up to seeing up a conference for a new client. She brought her boyfriend with her (well he came later - literally hahah) and they were stationed in the room just down the hall from me. I heard them return to the room and left a recorder just under the door which picked up this little snippet. Clearly doing her best to keep quiet. I only got a very quick look at him

Re: work colleague keeping quiet

Posted: 13 May 2017 10:39
by stevealba05
Just a one night visit Juliet? Sounded like he was having more difficulty keeping quiet than she was. Mind you, Michelle Pfeiffer was always a fantasy, so I'd probably have difficult staying that quiet as well!

Re: work colleague keeping quiet

Posted: 13 May 2017 16:37
by edtraveller
Nice work!

Re: work colleague keeping quiet

Posted: 15 May 2017 08:09
by thomas
it is great to learn that your senior managment has also some fun at this event :-)

Thanks for the catch, keep up the great work...

Re: work colleague keeping quiet

Posted: 19 May 2017 02:00
by Expr0v0st
Lovely. I'm sure that, at 1:11, you can hear her say "show me" - dammit that's hot. Barely suppressed sounds like this always conjure up an image of serious passionate intensity - far more than the screamers.

Re: work colleague keeping quiet

Posted: 21 Jun 2017 01:01
by stev4181
Very nice, I must have missed this first time round. Thanks so much😎