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Sex noises from young couple in Leipzig
Posted: 15 Nov 2017 19:59
by Bandito123
I was in a German novum hotel in Leipzig.
It was the second night at roughly 7 p.m. I worked on my laptop in my room as I heard a loud female voice.
I went to wall and listened to the guy and his girlfriend - they spoke a lot so I assume the they are not long together.
She talked the whole time...
Roughly 10min after the first contact they had sex and roughly 30min later again.
I tried to see the both if they are leaving the room but I missed them in the morning
Unfortunately the quality is very bad because my Iphone 6S doesn't make good quality
If you listen to the mps4 please use earphones and make it loud.
Anybody any idea how I can improve the record quality with my iphone?
Thank you.
Kind regards
A sex sound lover[media][/media]
Re: Sex noises from young couple in Leipzig
Posted: 16 Nov 2017 02:42
by reggind
I phones change enough between iterations that I really can not recall if the Iphone 6S has an external mic input or not. If it does, and external mike with some cable will let you get it into places you can not get your entire phone.
Re: Sex noises from young couple in Leipzig
Posted: 16 Nov 2017 04:19
by tweaktweak
Recent iPhones, from I think the iPhone 3 onwards has a mic built into the headphones. I'm not sure but I think the microphone in the headphones have a bit of low end roll off so it might be better suited for recording through a wall where there's more rumble.
Re: Sex noises from young couple in Leipzig
Posted: 16 Nov 2017 17:20
by edtraveller
Couldn't hear a thing. Will have to try with nc'g headphones later..
Re: Sex noises from young couple in Leipzig
Posted: 16 Nov 2017 21:09
by sarmgk
Even though you hear him more than her definitely good try. Even the thumping is just enough
Re: Sex noises from young couple in Leipzig
Posted: 16 Nov 2017 22:08
by TheAdvisor
I like it very much, because it's so real. Brings back my memories of listening live to couple like that.
Good work. Appreciated.
Re: Sex noises from young couple in Leipzig
Posted: 17 Nov 2017 12:19
by ChocolateRideHer
If you have trouble with sound it is not the phone, it is simply whether or not you can hear through the door. All of my recordings are done on my iPhone 5, 6), but my motel has nice gaps under the doors.
Re: Sex noises from young couple in Leipzig
Posted: 13 Dec 2017 14:41
by exThomas31
Not so far from my place, i like it hehe.
Re: Sex noises from young couple in Leipzig
Posted: 20 Dec 2017 14:16
by Soundbite
A truly intriguing set of captures. If the perpetrators did have sex three times in 40 minutes, then 'salute' to stamina.
Certainly in captures #1 and #2 there is a lot of knocking, possibly the headboard (?), but at times so rapid I thought she might be sending morse code for assistance, or an insurrection (rather than an erection) was taking place.
Further, the 'capturer' of the noises did seem to have got caught up in the spirit of the act, with some heavy breathing and some 'strange' squishy sounds.
In #3 there are some very faint vocal sounds but, like #2 also some deep rhythmic booming sounds, as if the heavy artillery were in the distance supporting the insurrection.
However, I jest. Thank you for the effort. Let's hope for more in the future.
Re: Sex noises from young couple in Leipzig
Posted: 23 Mar 2019 13:42
by Elinebeesje
wow sounds so good to bad i cant hear yet