Hello from SE.
Posted: 04 Jan 2018 17:38
Time to introduce myself. I'm new, SE is the same as Sweden.
I hoped to attach a recording up on my first message, unfortunatly my hardware or my ears couldn't find what I had been recording (through wall at a better hotel) so I have to keep that one in memory.
Anyway, I have bought some experimental hardware and will try to evaluate and if I'm satisfied post it in the hardware section.
Thank you so much for approving my application for this splendid forum, which was approved a month ago.
Hope that I will be able to upload something nice soon!
Time to introduce myself. I'm new, SE is the same as Sweden.
I hoped to attach a recording up on my first message, unfortunatly my hardware or my ears couldn't find what I had been recording (through wall at a better hotel) so I have to keep that one in memory.
Anyway, I have bought some experimental hardware and will try to evaluate and if I'm satisfied post it in the hardware section.
Thank you so much for approving my application for this splendid forum, which was approved a month ago.
Hope that I will be able to upload something nice soon!