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New couple from up the road

Posted: 27 Jun 2018 01:08
by findu
It has been ages (well, a full UK season) since I got lucky with any couples here in the Birmingham streets. Until tonight, finally..
Hottest day of the year and so many open windows that until today had stayed shut.

Hit the streets just before 10pm armed with 5 recorders (not quite sure how much battery each had). To cut a long story short by 11pm I had just collected 2 recorders that I knew had been wasting under windows without action when I decided to walk into this little dead end road. Been here a couple times in the past without success and with windows looking at you from 3 sides of the road and me looking very suspicious lurking without any signs that I am actually going somewhere, I tend to just walk slowly to the end and then back again. On my way back I heard the following.

One of the recorders died after 40 seconds but the other still had enough battery. I do notice the difference in quality/ background noise and am actually quite annoyed with the loud background noise these usb recorders produce. The other was a similar usb by the way but maybe another manufacturer.

The action was nearly non stop but I have to say for some of her sounds it is probably best to use headphones, or be an expert at recognizing those little moans. Also without headphones or for the amateurs still plenty to hear though.

I was lucky here but I think I will be frequenting this little road from now on!

Half way in a bloke walks into the road right towards me but I managed to stay calm and was lucky enough he entered a house only just before he got to me and our couple. He was checking me out but what could he do really?

Only .wav for now.

New couple from up the road - convert to mp3

Posted: 27 Jun 2018 09:03
by sonar

This is a nice catch.
The woman voice is lovely.

I convert it to mp3.
REC073 no 119 _128kbs.mp3

Re: New couple from up the road

Posted: 27 Jun 2018 10:01
by emmpet8
Many thanks for the contribution.

Background noise is a big deal with USBs. To try and reduce it I recorded silence, so just got the mic noise and used that for a small amount of noise reduction. I found it helped, without making it sound like what gekko describes as aliens in the vicinity.