Disrupted file? Great session in estonia
Posted: 05 Aug 2019 22:37
Hey..for the tech specialists...anybody here that want to have a look on the file and see what can be taken out from it? I am very desperate,as it was a good session I could hear from my room but placed my phone directly on the room outside... so took the risk and the outcome didnt justify the risk... any technical expert out there to have a look on the file?
The problem: I used on android a voice capture app. And it recorded the beginning and after minute 2 it somehow condensed the record. Very very quick.. what happend...? Is someone able to recreate the file? As the file size is with 40 mb is ok.
If someone from the sound specialists can help, I would invest the time to describe the couple and the circumstances.
Answer and recommendation yeppi
Hey waterman, please just try your luck and upload it to the motel sex section, combined with a description of the situation and the problem that ocurred. Chances are that some of the members got ideas after listening and analysing the recording
The problem: I used on android a voice capture app. And it recorded the beginning and after minute 2 it somehow condensed the record. Very very quick.. what happend...? Is someone able to recreate the file? As the file size is with 40 mb is ok.
If someone from the sound specialists can help, I would invest the time to describe the couple and the circumstances.
Answer and recommendation yeppi
Hey waterman, please just try your luck and upload it to the motel sex section, combined with a description of the situation and the problem that ocurred. Chances are that some of the members got ideas after listening and analysing the recording