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friend and his girlfriend

Posted: 13 Oct 2019 00:09
by addictedtosluts
i was sleeping around a friends house for the night and they were out most of the day. They came back at about 11pm while i was sleeping on the couch, they seemed a little bit drunk. Thought nothing of it.

They went straight upstairs to their bedroom while i was on my phone and an hour later i hear laughing and moaning. It look me a while to notice what was going on so i didnt record all of it :cry:

But i got some of it, i dont know if they forgot about me or if they thought i was asleep either way i was loving it.

Also today i was on my bike and i heard people having sex a few streets down from where i live, i stopped to see if they were actually fucking and then i noticed there was a couple walking towards me so i pretended that my chain on the biked messed up (they obviously heard it as well)
i circled around a few times but i was too chicken to record on my phone so i was wondering if anyone know any good devices that record for 24 hours so i can placed it in front of their house and come back the next day? (that are also quite cheap)

Re: friend and his girlfriend

Posted: 13 Oct 2019 07:03
by Alentejo2019
Great capture, thank You. What are the loud slaps? From Your friends?

Re: friend and his girlfriend

Posted: 13 Oct 2019 11:48
by emmpet8
Thanks for the contribution. I would suggest maybe trying a USB, as some are quite cheap and they will often record for 12 - 14 hours. I'm sure some members will be able to point you in the right direction.

Re: friend and his girlfriend

Posted: 13 Oct 2019 15:16
by drumpino
very nice capture thank you.

Re: friend and his girlfriend

Posted: 13 Oct 2019 22:57
by addictedtosluts
Alentejo2019 wrote: 13 Oct 2019 07:03 Great capture, thank You. What are the loud slaps? From Your friends?
pretty sure they were spanks

Re: friend and his girlfriend

Posted: 13 Oct 2019 23:28
by addictedtosluts
emmpet8 wrote: 13 Oct 2019 11:48 Thanks for the contribution. I would suggest maybe trying a USB, as some are quite cheap and they will often record for 12 - 14 hours. I'm sure some members will be able to point you in the right direction.
I've heard of them, how do they work do you have to plug it in for it to start recording or what?

Re: friend and his girlfriend

Posted: 14 Oct 2019 01:37
by apan
Try with this device... It record continiuosly up 6 days.
Yes 6 days .
8GB JNN Q70Voice Activated Mini Clip On Magnetic USB Digital Spy Voice Recorder
21,39 EU