Sound card issue

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Sound card issue

Post by mysx »

Audio voyeur bugged? (horror) :lol:

Yesterday I discovered the mic on my headset was activated!
But it wasn't activated according to the settings. I've uninstalled
all the apps for my Creative Audigy 2 card but it's still the same.
There's disturbances in the connectors on the audio card and
even more when I'm touching them just a little. Still I must do
that to decrease the noice. Is my Audigy 2 card broken? :cry:

Last edited by mysx on 12 Aug 2006 02:39, edited 1 time in total.
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Post by mjj9994 »

I would check the documentation that came with your hardware (users manual?)... if that does not work.. may be a question for the help desk of the company that manufactured the unit (audigy?).
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Sound Blaster

Post by mysx »

mjj9994 wrote:I would check the documentation that came with your hardware (users manual?)... if that does not work.. may be a question for the help desk of the company that manufactured the unit (audigy?).
Creative Audigy 2 ZS is a Sound Blaster PCI audio card in my PC. I've
been searching forever and I've checked the manual. I found nothing.
The most common problem is when the mic doesn't work. My problem
however is on the contrary. I can unplug the mic of course but the
biggest problem is the disturbances. I'll reinstall everything when
time but the disturbances seems to be a hardware issue.
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Post by mjj9994 »

Hmm... still not sure then. Maybe you could try a different mic and see if you get the same results (tip.. headphones work as a microphone in a pinch)
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Post by mysx »

Umm... I don't understand correctly. Pinch means different things like
steal, take, do a razzia, pinch of salt, pain in stomach and more :lol:

Can someone bug me online via my headset?? :shock:

Anyway, I haven't another mic right now. The connectors is
the same on all mics, so there will be disturbances anyway.
The connectors (line in/line out) might be bad or full of dust...
Unfortunately they are capsuled on the card, hard to clean
and adjust.

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Post by mjj9994 »

Sorry for the 'slang'

"in a pinch" = when must be done quickly

As for the dirty connectors... try a can of compressed air
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Post by mysx »

mjj9994 wrote:As for the dirty connectors... try a can of compressed air
Yes I've thought about that and I'll get it somewhere. But the metallic
pieces inside might be hard to fix. Cannot describe. Sometimes they are
not attached very good and there might be disturbances because of that.
I'll see what I can do.
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Post by mysx »

Here's a tip to myself :D :lol:

I have some Electrolube
Might help if compressed air doesn't help and if the metal still is in place.
This spray would be useful for other equipments with similar problem.

Be careful The spray is highly flammable! Also don't apply too
much inside the connector, just a little should be enough.
I'll deinstall and remove the sound card before I do anything.

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Post by mjj9994 »

Sound card? Now, I like to save a buck just as much as the next guy.. but I dont think sound cards run more than say $20-30(US)... if it is giving you that much of a hassle... I would break down and buy a new one (how old is it anyway).
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Post by mysx »

mjj9994 wrote:Sound card? Now, I like to save a buck just as much as the next guy.. but I dont think sound cards run more than say $20-30(US)... if it is giving you that much of a hassle... I would break down and buy a new one (how old is it anyway).
I bought it last year. I don't remember the price but it was
expensive for me and it's not the first card with such disturbances.
So I would be happy if I can fix this one. However, Audigy 2 sound
cards is maybe cheaper today, at least without accessories.

I've changed the name of the thread to Sound card issue :D

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not appreciated

Post by mysx »

This topic wasn't appreciated :cry:

Please delete it yeppie. I can't because there's replies.

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Post by yeppie »

RP, as I said, it was not one specific message or topic but the tendency of your messages in a whole that made me ask for staying on-topic. I´ve only used the sound-card topic as an example. I don´t see a need to delete anything.
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I'm confused

Post by mysx »

Anyway, I skipped the mic and I used the spray on the plug only.
Now there's no disturbances and I can listen to your clips again :)
I solved it myself and saved the money.

Next step is to solve the "mic ON forever" problem. I think
it might be a driver issue. It's very weird and it have never
happend before. There's no hits about that at google or in
any technical forum. But it isn't very important anylonger.

I'm done
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