Solo, lesbian, soft sex, HQ

For audio clip requests for a particular type of situation or sound - ie, bed springs squeaking, crazy screamers, loud orgasms, etc.
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Solo, lesbian, soft sex, HQ

Post by mysx »

I'm probably at the wrong place requesting HQ but there isn't a site like anyway.
I like to hear masturbating females, it should be real and no overreacting loud screaming and
noices. I like the small sounds in the background, touching, breathing and other sounds from
clothes and the body. No squeaking beds for me! It should be like they don't know that they
are being recorded or filmed and where they actually doesn't want to be discovered.

All such sounds cannot be heard through a wall and that's why this place cannot offer what
I want really. But sometimes there's a few various contributions that is very good, so I still
have to come here from time to time. I'm still waiting for the best and I'm still not satisfied.
If I was, I wouldn't come here I suppose :p
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Re: Solo, lesbian, soft sex, HQ

Post by tofboy »

Hello RP
when i well understand you I can recommand to visit "Ifeelmyself" site...
You wil find there exactly what you describe. it's a pay site but on the emule there is a huge lot of marvelous stuff in free douwload.
RP wrote:I'm probably at the wrong place requesting HQ but there isn't a site like anyway.
I like to hear masturbating females, it should be real and no overreacting loud screaming and
noices. I like the small sounds in the background, touching, breathing and other sounds from
clothes and the body. No squeaking beds for me! It should be like they don't know that they
are being recorded or filmed and where they actually doesn't want to be discovered.

All such sounds cannot be heard through a wall and that's why this place cannot offer what
I want really. But sometimes there's a few various contributions that is very good, so I still
have to come here from time to time. I'm still waiting for the best and I'm still not satisfied.
If I was, I wouldn't come here I suppose :p
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Re: Solo, lesbian, soft sex, HQ

Post by gucker »

Hello RP,

I think we are looking for the same thing.

Some of such recordings you can find here: ... ndex.shtml

but you have to sort out a lot of other stuff.

BTW: recordings like we love can also be made by drilling holes through walls or through the wall slightly above the floor under wooden floor at the target you want to listen to. But that stuff is really hard to find on the net. I read about a guy who did it like that. If you find a good source let me know. But there is really good stuff which has been made "normally"too!

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Re: Solo, lesbian, soft sex, HQ

Post by billgreg »

gucker wrote:Some of such recordings you can find here: ... ndex.shtml
It seems not too long after you posted this site that it went down. Had some nice clips there but disappeared rather quick. Did he move or simply vanish?
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Re: Solo, lesbian, soft sex, HQ

Post by yeppie »

The site exists since years but it seems to be down very often, let's wait if it will re-appear once more.
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Re: Solo, lesbian, soft sex, HQ

Post by mysx »

Oh, ive missed my own post for a long time, and that site, '' is down, maybe forever? :shock:
Thanks for your posts, ive found some very good sounds from IFM that i really enjoy, but i'd like to hear some
real sounds too directly from the bedroom, fresh and legal :wink:

gucker wrote:BTW: recordings like we love can also be made by drilling holes through walls or through the wall slightly above the floor under wooden floor at the target you want to listen to. But that stuff is really hard to find on the net. I read about a guy who did it like that. If you find a good source let me know. But there is really good stuff which has been made "normally"too!
Hehehe :D
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Re: Solo, lesbian, soft sex, HQ

Post by Audio »

i understand what you mean, check out the "angel" recordings of this site (in the Archive)
"I must take my hat off in admiration for those intrepid aural lovers, who risk sleep deprivation, reputation, liberty, and life itself (perhaps) to capture the sounds that are posted to this website." © Forum-Member 'Soundbite'
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