Liaison with the Boss at business meeting.

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Liaison with the Boss at business meeting.

Post by LeStanf »


Tuesday evening, less than two weeks' before Christmas, I was staying in a hotel in the Midlands on one of my final business trips of 2017. It was a cold, snowy night and when I arrived in the early evening, workmen were hanging banners up in the lobby referring to a gathering the next morning for a major international engineering company. Presumably they were holding a sales conference or something similar and Wednesday morning would be the registration day.

The bar and restaurant were almost deserted, just a few single travelers, so as is my normal practice I stayed there for a couple of hours eating, emailing, and generally noting who came and went. But it was very quiet with no couples, so I assumed it would be a quiet night.

On occasions like this I usually note a couple of the better looking travelers and find out their room numbers in the hope that I might be able to hear them pleasuring themselves or engaging in Skype sex during the evening. Usually this results in nothing interesting but on this occasion I struck lucky.

About 8.00pm a good looking young lady in her late twenties, shoulder length wavy blonde hair, entered the hotel with a small suitcase in tow and stood at the desk to register. From my place at the bar I was clearly able to hear her room number as she collected her key so later, as I headed back to my room, I dropped off a USB. As I say, I wasn't optimistic about hearing anything good, I certainly wasn't expecting what was to follow.
Our young blonde immediately unpacked, took a quick shower, dried her hair and put on some music. Then she made a Skype call home to say goodnight to hubby and her young children. All very normal for the young business traveler.

But then about twenty minutes later she received a phone call, from a man who was calling her from a car phone. It was her boss, he had just landed at the airport and was heading over there…. and they were clearly planning something more than just a business meeting.

I picked up the USB at about 11.00 and reviewed it. That's when I heard her phone call, so I quickly ran over there and planted another USB to catch the upcoming events. As you will imagine, I didn’t sleep at all well after this, and I wandered over there a few times to listen to what transpired. This first clip is two recordings combined. It starts with a small clip of that phone call, then it follows up with his arrival at the hotel at midnight. She went downstairs to escort him to her room. As you will hear, they then didn’t waste any time getting to know each other.

Meet up - call and arrival.mp3

The two of them were hypersensitive about noise. After this session they talked (or rather whispered) for over an hour, about work, each other's families and their Christmas plans. Every so often one of them would laugh and the other would quickly say "shhh" to keep the noise down. After about an hour things went quiet again, until…..

Meet up - second session.mp3
Last edited by LeStanf on 16 Dec 2017 10:06, edited 2 times in total.
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Re: Liaison with the Boss at business meeting.

Post by LeStanf »

Then the chatter started up again, which is when I discovered that he was her Divisional Director and both of them were there for the conference the next day. She mentioned that one of her colleagues was staying in a room just along the corridor, which helps to explain their sensitivity to the noise. Apparently they hadn’t seen each other for several months and they had a lot of catching up to do…..

Meet up - third session.mp3

The last I heard from them that night was at about 4.40 am, by which time they must have been completely exhausted. Less than two hours later though the alarm clock sounded. This time they were ultra - ultra quiet. The best that I can figure for this last clip is that she treated him to an early morning blow job.

Meet up - morning BJ.mp3

What a way to start their annual business conference, I wish some of my trips were more like this.
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Re: Liaison with the Boss at business meeting.

Post by Nathaniel »

As usual, this is great, LeStanf. Thanks!
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Re: Liaison with the Boss at business meeting.

Post by VoyeurSecret »

Excellent contest and interesting story line. Too bad they were super conscious about the noise because of another colleague in the same corridor. Damn it.
That business woman sounds fabulous. My guess is it's not her first or last "business affair" with him, she's looking forward for the next one.
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Re: Liaison with the Boss at business meeting.

Post by TonyFishers »

Very nice mate thanks! I have one question how do you guys plant these usbs? Under the door? Surely she wouldve seen it if she walked out no?
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Re: Liaison with the Boss at business meeting.

Post by thomas »

thanks a lot, the story sounds fabulous, I look forward to listening all the sounds...
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Re: Liaison with the Boss at business meeting.

Post by Quadrophenia1 »

I really enjoyed the quietness of this, LeStanf. It's not 40 nonstop minutes of ahhh's and ohhh's and that's what I like about it. Great...way to go!
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Re: Liaison with the Boss at business meeting.

Post by 87warthunder87 »

This is pure gold ! thank you !
Btw LeStanf, can you tell more about the girl ?
height / weight etc ?
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Re: Liaison with the Boss at business meeting.

Post by giplechien1 »

Well done ! Excellent job !!!
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Re: Liaison with the Boss at business meeting.

Post by British Manc »

Class as usual 😀👍
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Re: Liaison with the Boss at business meeting.

Post by LeStanf »

TonyFishers wrote: 16 Dec 2017 12:00 Very nice mate thanks! I have one question how do you guys plant these usbs? Under the door? Surely she wouldve seen it if she walked out no?
Not literally "under" the door, but generally at the base of the door, in the hotel corridor, usually at the hinge side.

They are discovered sometimes but it's surprising how often you get recordings of people going in and out of the room without noticing the USB.
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Re: Liaison with the Boss at business meeting.

Post by LeStanf »

87warthunder87 wrote: 16 Dec 2017 13:16 This is pure gold ! thank you !
Btw LeStanf, can you tell more about the girl ?
height / weight etc ?
I can't really say much because she had her back to me most of the time when she was checking in. She was in her late twenties I'd say, though I suppose she could have been a young thirty something, about 5' 10", pale complexion, slim, wearing a tweed country-style coat with dark trousers. Her coat was fastened up so I couldn't tell how curvaceous she might have been. She looked pretty fit though and chose to carry her bag up the stairs rather than using the lift.
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Re: Liaison with the Boss at business meeting.

Post by sndprv »

Brilliant! 8)

In the first audio file, if you listen closely, from 3:52 to 4:12, you can just about hear (what sounds like)
a woman's faint moans in the background - another couple having sex maybe further down the corridor or
in the room above theirs??
Last edited by sndprv on 17 Dec 2017 03:19, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Liaison with the Boss at business meeting.

Post by mechanic »

A truly fantastic recording with an expertly written description! Another very well done to you!

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Re: Liaison with the Boss at business meeting.

Post by terrymac »

Incredible work. Thanks for postimg.
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