Clean up audio files

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Clean up audio files

Post by steven91919191 »

Hi all, I know this section is a little quiet but incase people are looking to clean up audio files fairly easy and quick.

I use my mobile to listen and sometimes want to make the sounds a little clearer. I'm not sure on iPhones but on Android I use WavePad. You pay like £4 for all tools on it and does a grand job!

Once you open the file, drag your finger over a few seconds of the clip that is just static. Go to effects choose Grab sound profile. Now you have chosen the type of sound you want removed. Drag your finger over the whole spectrum so you are choosing the full clip.

Back to filter and select Apply subtraction from sound profile. You should now have removed most of that loud static noise that are on some files.

Second thing I do is go to filter again and choose Low Pass...

You can drag the slider to where you want but I always use the preset and choose Human Voice Intelligible.

Now you have a fairly clean and easy to hear file. Select File then save. Once saved choose export and export this to a folder on your phone. I use music folder so it's in my music app. Handy when one Clip finishes and automatically moves to next one :wink:

Final one - if you ever think your volume isn't quite loud enough with headphones etc, download the app Volume Booster. Red background with a white speaker on the logo. Open that, set to 30% and back to your file. Massive difference! Any higher than 30 and it'll distort it.

Enjoy all and hope this helps some of you! :mrgreen:
Ello ello ello :?
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