Through the wall of a town house?

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Through the wall of a town house?

Post by Oreo99 »

Hey everyone I recently got new neighbors which I started noticing some sounds and so I decided to place my phone against a wall and what do you know? I managed to somewhat understand what's going on.. I got some moans on recording and even a few super clear moments (but very rare).
Now I looked around this forum and It seems like most people are in normal houses or apartments.. but for me I'm in a town house (basically two small houses put together) this means our venting systems our plumbing and all that stuff is shared basically and the main wall down the center is built to reduce noise on the other side. I lived in town houses all my life and I never once heard anything from my neighbors until this new girl who moved in... If I can hear her.. she is LOUD. Now.. the problem.. I'm trying to figure out the best way to record through the wall and get the best audio because as of right now it seems like 1 out of every 20 records I get something decent due to the audio being complete dog shit. Anyone have any experience recording through walls of town houses? Also.. I know a lot of recording devices are rather expensive but is there anything around the 30-60$ USD range that could be beneficial for this kind of recording? The only place I can hear them decently well is in a room I can't have access too all day so need something I can keep there for a couple hours at least and there is no unused wall outlet on that side of the room. I'm currently trying to find the best software methods to get rid of the terrible audio but I do need help on the hardware side. I was recording by taping my phone on the wall lol.

thanks guys :)
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