Not a request.. but a conclusion

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Not a request.. but a conclusion

Post by Zander89 »

I’m here for almost one week. I uploaded a couple of my personal made recordings. And I really like to share this with this group.
What I also see is that a file I placed a couple of days ago is downloaded 125 times.. but only 15 people liked it and only 2 reacted.
I’m not interested in likes or reactions in the first place. But I put a lot of effort in the recordings I made in the last years. And I don’t want to share this with people who just come here and listen to the recordings what are publicly available. I want to share this with te people who understand what I’m talking about. Waiting for hours, days, just for that record.
That’s why I don’t want to post more for now. I don’t want to share it to the world.. but only to the people who are just like me!
I will always hear you :roll:
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Re: Not a request.. but a conclusion

Post by Paul7979 »

Zander89 wrote: 18 Apr 2023 05:01 I’m here for almost one week. I uploaded a couple of my personal made recordings. And I really like to share this with this group.
What I also see is that a file I placed a couple of days ago is downloaded 125 times.. but only 15 people liked it and only 2 reacted.
I’m not interested in likes or reactions in the first place. But I put a lot of effort in the recordings I made in the last years. And I don’t want to share this with people who just come here and listen to the recordings what are publicly available. I want to share this with te people who understand what I’m talking about. Waiting for hours, days, just for that record.
That’s why I don’t want to post more for now. I don’t want to share it to the world.. but only to the people who are just like me!
I understand your frustration.. I feel like that sometimes but this is how this place works.. however I keep on sharing because there are also some great guys here..
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Re: Not a request.. but a conclusion

Post by yeppie »

I see your frustration, too but ... this place wouldn´t exist if it wouldn´t attract so many members who enjoy listening. And there is no way to force people to post. Everybody is welcome, the quiet connoisseur and the active sharer.

You got a number of reactions to your postings considering you have been active here only for very few days and considering also that people could not listen to all files online. If you share only for the number of reactions you receive immediately, this might be the wrong place for you ... Although you won´t find a better one as the ratio of responding members (likes/postings) in this community has always been dimensions better than on any other website. Have a look at big sites (like xhamster for example) and you´ll notice that you might get 10 reactions per 10.000 downloads if you have a really great file or even much less.

So you can make a conclusion two days after sharing your first file and criticize other members for downloading but not communicating.
Understandable maybe but this does not sound like a winning strategy for anybody.

It is good to see that you began communicating yourself last night by responding to other uploaders, this is a way that works. The difference to others sites is, that this one is a community and communities built on trust and knowing people somehow. This does not work over night and this needs communication on both ends. Posting sounds e.g. works much better if there is a story they come with, if people have an idea what happened, who is recorded, what your situation was, what your thoughts were ...

There is no way to post only for people who respond but those who do post regularly and those who share because they enjoy sharing are those who benefit here from the good guys and sometimes the gates to heaven open for them ;-)
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Re: Not a request.. but a conclusion

Post by Zander89 »

Thanks guys! You’re right!
I will always hear you :roll:
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Re: Not a request.. but a conclusion

Post by Jip »

Don't stop posting Zander. The Netherlands are great. I love to hear our countrymembers ...
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Re: Not a request.. but a conclusion

Post by erlsxtn »

I totally agree.
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Re: Not a request.. but a conclusion

Post by AshenElm »

So, having a good number of posts, some of which have had strong reaction, and some very little, it is not always just the sounds that people will react and respond to. Very often the framing of the story matters as much, and often more than the sound quality itself.

Posts that I have made along the lines of "Here's my neighbors again, it pretty good quality this time." have gotten far less traction than times that I have explained smoking bundled up on my porch to house to hear them in the winter.

Fellow posters know the work of slinking down hotel hallways, fretting how close to go to a roommate's door, or anxiously pulling up a recording app to catch a golden moment. Those stories drive us! If you tell them, people open up with times they have felt the same.

All that said, you have some great contributions, and I hope you keep it up! We are glad to have you with us.
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