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For audio clip requests for a particular type of situation or sound - ie, bed springs squeaking, crazy screamers, loud orgasms, etc.
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Old Site

Post by MoonGlow92 »

For the Gen. Xers: Do you guys remember the earlier days from like 20 years ago? I remember a site similar to this with a plethora of sounds. I contributed and gained access, but somehow lost interest because of the workload and the site disappeared. I uploaded "Putting it to the Wife" with several parts. Note sure if it is on this site or not, as I do not have access to the archives. Wish I had that old recording back. My favorite is the one I subtitled, "wife explodes like a ripe peach" lol It was actually my gf but I always called her my wife. And still do as we are still together. (Don't believe in legal marriage). I think the site was called "EAROS" and had something to do with a moderator called ILK, if memory serves correctly. It has been so many years ago...
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Re: Old Site

Post by MoonGlow92 »

Might have actually been the late 90s.
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Re: Old Site

Post by yeppie »

MoonGlow92 wrote: 05 Aug 2023 07:15 Might have actually been the late 90s.
ILK was the first one I knew who built a collection of erotic sounds before this community was created so 90s definitely.

A very short history :-)
ILK was the admin and probably the founder of a newsgroup in the usenet (alt.bin.sounds.erotica) before the world wide web developed into something accessible for almost everybody. So this must have been the 90s, not necessarily the late ones. The website you mentioned was his later presentation of results from this newsgroup but I think ILK himself lost interest in doing the work around 2000. I even think to remember that he told me so once.
ILK was my "god" in these times when I discovered that I wasn´t alone with my fetish listening to others having sex and hoping somebody would hear us (my ex and me) having loud sex. I downloaded almost everything I could get a hand on and shared a few of my personal files on ILK's group and he liked them so we got in contact. This must have been 1996 or 1997.

Sexsoundlovers started as yahoo groups in 2002 because I missed a place for sharing and communicating about sexsounds in the www. Newsgroups became less and less interesting as the younger ones became more interested in visiting the "new" websites using a browser ... me too. But there was no place for sharing sexsounds, no community. ILK´s site was a static one that did not develop into something bigger and when I found yahoo groups (reddit of the 2000's area) my idea for a community of sexsoundlovers was born. Of course ILK was invited to the group and his files where swapped.
When yahoo decided to delete the sexsoundslovers group (and the 99 ssl archive groups) in December 2005, my then website yeppie.org took over, the community was integrated into a forum, the archive groups transformed into the archives ...

My memory might play tricks on me when it comes to the ILK era and I never knew everything about it but this is what I remember.

There are two collections from that time in the archives, one called "earos" containing 23 files and no descriptions. I think these are not the originals from ilk´s site but a compilation from old files that somebody collected on disk or cd-rom.
The other collection is called "earguide" containing 147 sound files and I would associate these to ilk. They are numbered up to no.320 but I think there weren´t more than the archived ones. They come with two description documents that I have attached here. I have forgotten why there were called "ear_in" and "ear_out" although these documents might be my own work ... collected from the website of course which probably had these in/out lists.

I didn´t find a user called moonglow92 in these lists and no description containing the lovely words "wife explodes like a ripe peach" but see for yourself if you find your files in there. I hope you do!

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Re: Old Site

Post by MoonGlow92 »

Thanks dude, but I don't remember my username. Definitely wasn't the fatuous "Moonglow" lol Could not find them, unfortunately. Do you have "Visit from JJ?" This was one of my favorites of all time.
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Re: Old Site

Post by slipnslide72 »

yeppie wrote: 05 Aug 2023 09:00
MoonGlow92 wrote: 05 Aug 2023 07:15 Might have actually been the late 90s.
There are two collections from that time in the archives, one called "earos" containing 23 files and no descriptions. I think these are not the originals from ilk´s site but a compilation from old files that somebody collected on disk or cd-rom.
The other collection is called "earguide" containing 147 sound files and I would associate these to ilk. They are numbered up to no.320 but I think there weren´t more than the archived ones.
Yeppie, my memory is also prone to tricks, but I do recall that the "earos" files were tracks from cassette tapes and--eventually, once CD burners became available--CDs that ILK sold through the mail in the 1990s. I ordered one of the original cassettes, which I sadly no longer have. I still recognize a few of the "earos" files as being tracks from the cassette I ordered. Some of those original recordings were made by ILK himself, and some were sent to him, through the mail, on cassettes that he then dubbed from. (For those who weren't born early enough to have been on Usenet in the 1990s, most of the sound files people posted there were only a few seconds long because dial-up speeds were so slow; ILK's cassettes were amazing because the tracks were long and not broken up into short snippets.)

Moonglow92, AVisitfromJJ was one of Gray Stamping's files; he made fantastic recordings with several women. I'm sure they're in the archive under his name. Also, I have a text file titled "ILK biglist 1999" that (I think) represents ILK's collection up to that point. It contains the following entries: Putowife.ra ("CTJ puts it to the wife!"), and Putwife1.ra, Putwife2.ra, Putwife3.ra, and Putwife4.ra. Are those yours? I remember those file names! Alas, I don't have the files myself, but maybe they're in the archive? Hopefully not in RealAudio format?
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Re: Old Site

Post by yeppie »

slipnslide72 wrote: 12 Aug 2023 07:06
yeppie wrote: 05 Aug 2023 09:00
MoonGlow92 wrote: 05 Aug 2023 07:15 Might have actually been the late 90s.
There are two collections from that time in the archives, one called "earos" containing 23 files and no descriptions. I think these are not the originals from ilk´s site but a compilation from old files that somebody collected on disk or cd-rom.
The other collection is called "earguide" containing 147 sound files and I would associate these to ilk. They are numbered up to no.320 but I think there weren´t more than the archived ones.
Yeppie, my memory is also prone to tricks, but I do recall that the "earos" files were tracks from cassette tapes and--eventually, once CD burners became available--CDs that ILK sold through the mail in the 1990s. I ordered one of the original cassettes, which I sadly no longer have. I still recognize a few of the "earos" files as being tracks from the cassette I ordered. Some of those original recordings were made by ILK himself, and some were sent to him, through the mail, on cassettes that he then dubbed from. (For those who weren't born early enough to have been on Usenet in the 1990s, most of the sound files people posted there were only a few seconds long because dial-up speeds were so slow; ILK's cassettes were amazing because the tracks were long and not broken up into short snippets.)

Moonglow92, AVisitfromJJ was one of Gray Stamping's files; he made fantastic recordings with several women. I'm sure they're in the archive under his name. Also, I have a text file titled "ILK biglist 1999" that (I think) represents ILK's collection up to that point. It contains the following entries: Putowife.ra ("CTJ puts it to the wife!"), and Putwife1.ra, Putwife2.ra, Putwife3.ra, and Putwife4.ra. Are those yours? I remember those file names! Alas, I don't have the files myself, but maybe they're in the archive? Hopefully not in RealAudio format?
Cassettes, I forgot about them ;-)

Thank you slipnside72, if we put our memories together we might get more of a picture from the puzzle.
I too remember the file names you mentioned of which the Gray Stamping series is (completely) archived. I´m pretty sure I saw all those putwife files in my collection once but can only find "putowife.mp3" in the archives. mp3, not RealAudio as I converted all those oldies during the archive years to adapt them to the times and technology. My own early recordings have been in ra or rm, like babymaking.ra from 1996 which could have made it to cassette ...
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Re: Old Site

Post by mjj9994 »

..and here I thought myself and Yeppie were the only ones still around from the old Yahoo groups :)

Kinda miss the camaraderie from back then, everybody was always super supportive and friendly. Technology sure is a lot better now though, we don't have to lug around those big ole tape recorders any more LOL.
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Re: Old Site

Post by MoonGlow92 »

lol That was mine! Thanks for the memories guys.
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Re: Old Site

Post by Stott13 »

I also liked the early days of SSL and the captures of Eightman, among others. I realize Eightman's stuff wasn't for everyone's tastes, but I loved hearing those American girls laughing, talking and carrying on like crazy maniacs in bed.
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Re: Old Site

Post by yeppie »

MoonGlow92 wrote: 19 Aug 2023 07:03 lol That was mine! Thanks for the memories guys.
Then this one is for you :-)

Could this be the ra files joined to one mp3?
Sexsounds are Poetry for Adults
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