reggind wrote: 21 May 2018 05:09
Using just the mic and pre amp self noise should work, but finding a quiet passage in the audio should work even better. Actually when I try and clean up a file I do things in this order. I will explain as I go why I do it this way..
First, I use the hi pass filter set to 250Hz and the steepest cutoff slope (I think it is 48 db/octave) that it can do. The high pass cuts all the bass out. This includes lots of rumble and low frequency ambient noise. Also if there is any AC hum this will go a long way in taming that. In the US AC hum is 60Hz, in the UK and some other places it is 50Hz. The 250Hz cut off frequency I pick is just over 4X the US power line frequency and 5X the UK power line frequency so it is very effective at cleaning that up. So now we have our source file sans any low frequency noise.
On occasion I will do a low pass filter pass with the center frequency set at about 12Khz and the same 48 db/octave. This gets rid of any real high frequency hiss. It will also make the file sound "duller" so I don't do this all the time, but if there is a lot of noise, I will do this. My ears are old and I don't hear a lot over 12K anymore. Set it higher or lower or skip it. This and the hi pass part are all about cleaning up the file as much as you can before the noise reduction step.
Next I will do the noise reduction pass. I listen to the file for any gaps and note where they are. The waveform display is helpful but you can not go by it alone. One trick I have found to help me get just a good noise clip is once I have identified a place that has a good clip in it, hi lite it and play it and verify you have all of the "good" part of the clip. Don't freak if you have a bit of content before the "good" part and after the good part. As long as the bulk of it is the good part. Now go into the top menu and under view, click on zoom and click on zoom to selection. Now the waveform picture is just that little selection. Now try and pick out just the good part. It should be a lot easier. Remember once you have it tagged you can hit play and hear what you have. It may take a few tries..
For the noise reduction, load that as the noise profile and I use the following settings. 24 for the sensitivity, 48 for the number of frequency smoothing bands and between 9 and 18db for the amount of noise reduction. The better the clean up job before the noise reduction the more NR you can use before it starts sounding bad.
Oh, at the beginning, if there are any extraneous loud sounds, snip them out. Mic drops , and mic pickups and re drops etc. Start with the most consistent file you can...
The last thing you probably want to do is an amplify pass. This will bring the levels back up. If you wanna save the file, this is the time to do it.
For listening, I normally use the "bass and treble" effect. I will play with booting the volume and the treble to get the desired effect. Little gasps and things said under the breath will start to come out. I listen with the cursor on the skip backwards button and often times do skip backwards as soon as I hear something interesting.
Sex often times has a rhythm to it and often times you get so you kind of expect when the next little gasp or breath is going to be.
Have fun and play with the knobs and sliders. The above should get you on the right path...
Oh one advanced thing you can play with too. Running the NR twice. Once with just the mic and preamp noise and once with the real noise sample. Worst it will do is not work well and you can ctrl Z to undo it. Not that have ever done that (smile)