My neighbour has a new boyfriend...

Files and discussion about neighbors and roommates having sex
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Re: My neighbour has a new boyfriend...

Post by elltell »

Well done Scott. She sounds so lovely. I can't wait for her new bf to join her!
I wonder if she'll sound the same as before? So cute!
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Re: My neighbour has a new boyfriend...

Post by magpie »

Hi Scott, any chance of this being reuploaded? Sounds awesome! but I've only just seen this thread.

If you don't want to repost, fair enough - appreciate your work either way.
sc0tt-uk wrote:
Broggie wrote:Mmmmmmm double whammy sounds pretty good to me...
Here's where you get to test that theory Ray...

I got home and unexpectedly stumbled upon this capture, so you'll have to forgive the amount of fumbling around that goes on. A quick timeline of the recording:
00:00 you can hear Mrs Unrecordable. To start with, I assumed the moans would've been coming from Rachel's flat, but nope.
00:25 I'm fiddling about putting my phone on silent
00:45 Rachel getting comfortable
01:03 first clear signs that she's joining in
01:47 some more of Mrs Unrecordable
02:00 I attempt to get a recording spot that'd pick up both women a little better
02:15 the noisy floorboards scare the shit out of me! Wasn't feeling too confident about being able to make a silent retreat, so I returned to my usual safe spot and concentrated on Rachel
From here onward, the leather of my jacket was making an annoying noise every time I took a breath. Doh, rookie error! I didn't have headphones handy to monitor, so was unaware that I was creaking all over the capture.
02:45 Rachel starts to mutter and whisper to herself. She does this a lot, and as time's gone on she's become more verbal.
03:05 is that Mr Unrecordable finishing for the night?
03:30 some heavy breathing from Rachel
04:12 she comes unusually abruptly. Still, an orgasm is an orgasm at the end of the day I guess :P
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Introducing Mr and Ms Xbox

Post by sc0tt-uk »

A quick catch up for anyone who hasn't followed this thread for donkeys years...

Mr and Ms Xbox live in the flat on the top floor of the building. She's a curvy brunette that I'd guess is in her mid to late 20's, has recently taken up running every day (which plays havoc with any chances I get to attempt a capture of Rachel during early mornings). He's a lanky pillock of around the same age, pleasant enough chap but very nondescript. I christened them with the name Mr and Ms Xbox because - as described earlier in this thread - he seems to prefer playing football games on his Xbox to attending to the needs of his lady. On the rare occasions that I've managed to overhear them, a one minute wonder sums up the experience for this poor woman. This is a crying shame, but thankfully, there is now a light at the end of the tunnel for her. Turns out that that if he were to become a career alcoholic, she'd be better provided for. Backstory follows...

It was good Friday. I was unexpectedly home and unexpectedly without company. Rachel was also home in the flat above, and as I hadn't overheard anything for weeks I was fancying my chances when she turned in around 11pm. Trouble was, Mr and Ms Xbox had gone out an hour or so earlier and not returned home yet. I couldn't risk leaving the recorder unattended, and didn't want to risk losing my one-use cover story for why I was lurking in the hallway either. Luckily, they solved the problem for me by getting home soon after, and as they drunkenly stumbled upstairs to the top floor, I wondered whether I'd be capturing a double whammy tonight.

Fast forward to 1am. I'd been periodically checking the recorder dropped in the best spot to capture Rachel, but had no action to speak of up to that point even though she was still awake, tossing and turning. She was still awake because Mr and Ms Xbox had continued their festivities on the floor above, which was no doubt royally pissing her off. I was about to give up for the night when I suddenly realised that A) they hadn't been talking/laughing for a few minutes and B) the music they were playing was either FUCKING LOUD or something was amiss, because I shouldn't have been able to hear it so clearly from the floor below. Upon investigation, it turned out that they hadn't quite shut their front door properly. By the sounds of it, they were sitting in the lounge, and whatever was blasting music out was closer to me than they were, but I figured it had to be worth spending a bit of time. Keeping at what seemed like a safe-ish distance to beat a hasty retreat if I heard them moving, I settled down to wait. A couple of minutes later... BINGO. I heard the jangle of a belt buckle, and a faint female moan. A mad dash for the recorder that was still keeping an ear on Rachel for me, and back up to their floor to find a suitable hidey hole, then I shot back to my flat to grab a second recorder just in case they inspired Rachel to make the most of being kept awake.

Short answer is that they didn't inspire her to do much other than get a drink of water and put her own tv on to cover over the noise this time. Doh, can't win 'em all.

Happily, Mr Xbox seemed to have drank himself numb. As you can hear, Ms Xbox seemed to be quite appreciative of this new-found stamina.

The second part was when I returned to be sure they were done. It was a bit of a risk, but I figured if they hadn't come out of the bedroom (where they seemed to have moved to half way through part 1) and noticed that the front door was ajar yet, then there might be more worth listening to. You can hear her saying something about lube just after I start the recorder. The first 3 minutes sound like a handjob for him, whereupon he saddles up and performs his usual one minute wonder routine for her/us.

These are coming straight off the recorder, unprocessed and unedited. I've learned that if I don't do that right away, things take months... sometimes years... for me to post.

Bonus points for anyone who can name the song that starts playing just after he blows his beans at around 4 minutes of part 2. It's something I should know, it's a classic, but my brain can't quite dredge up a title...
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Re: My neighbour has a new boyfriend...

Post by TheAdvisor »

Thanks for the posting and the epic description.
Sorry, but I fail to identify the song but it was nice listening to both of them.

Great post.
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Re: My neighbour has a new boyfriend...

Post by trinidad »

Not really a great song to make love to. I'd rather have chosen Serge Gainsbourg's "Ballade de Melody Nelson". Relaxing, and still plenty of time for him to reach climax. :wink:
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Re: My neighbour has a new boyfriend...

Post by elltell »

Ooh Scott, great recording. Shame about the music! Really annoying as well. She sounds so lovely. She should kick him into touch though, what an idiot! Rachel hasn't got a full time bf then at the moment?
Thanks though.
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Re: My neighbour has a new boyfriend...

Post by d2009sd2009s »

Great thanks, that's very nice recording and nice background music.
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Re: My neighbour has a new boyfriend...

Post by sc0tt-uk »

elltell wrote:Rachel hasn't got a full time bf then at the moment?
Interestingly, Rachel does currently have a male human in her flat as I write this. I've only been home for half an hour or so, and there was an unusual amount of music/noise coming through the ceiling from upstairs. I grumbled about it in passing, and Stacey (who is staying with me this weekend) commented "oh yeah, she's got a fella over". I probed for a bit of detail and learned that Stacey saw them heading into the building earlier when she was outside smoking - her with flowers, him with wine and snacks. Thought I was being subtle, but at one point Stacey half-snapped "what's it to you anyway?" She's not typically the jealous type, so I guess she must suspect my kink. Gonna have to tread very, very lightly tonight, but if there's any action to capture I'll do my best to get some sort of recording. Can pretty much guaranty that it won't be one of the crystal clear ones from my spot outside her door though. Let's see what unfolds...
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Re: My neighbour has a new boyfriend...

Post by d2009sd2009s »

sc0tt-uk wrote:Let's see what unfolds...
Good luck! Fingers crossed...
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Re: My neighbour has a new boyfriend...

Post by sc0tt-uk »

The guy Rachel had staying over left early this morning, sometime around 5am. I had a recorder running in the room below her bedroom overnight which I haven't had time to check yet, but based on how early they turned in last night, me not overhearing a thing, and how early he left this morning, my gut instinct says that this was most likely a couch of convenience and a chance for friends to catch up. I'll check the footage later though just in case I'm wrong.
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Re: My neighbour has a new boyfriend...

Post by sc0tt-uk »

Turns out I was wrong, sort of. He came back late that evening, and stayed the following night too. NO sign of any action during that whole time, so they're definitely just friends. However, when I got woken up by him leaving with luggage early this morning and Rachel headed back to bed after seeing him out, I figured it'd be worth a punt. This is what happened before she jumped in the shower and headed off to work.
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Re: My neighbour has a new boyfriend...

Post by alphonse01 »

It looks like she desperately needed this relief, and was waiting for him to leave for that. This is a wonderful catch, many thanks.
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Re: My neighbour has a new boyfriend...

Post by LeStanf »

Wow, Rachel really cums with a pop when she's alone!

Fantastic quality recording, Scott. Great mic' placement.
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Re: My neighbour has a new boyfriend...

Post by sc0tt-uk »

LeStanf wrote:Wow, Rachel really cums with a pop when she's alone!
Doesn't she just. Out of all the women I've managed to get an audio glimpse of when they're unaware, there's been nobody else like this. I do kind of miss the days when she used to talk more to herself though. Something about those half-formed words was HOT...
LeStanf wrote:Fantastic quality recording, Scott. Great mic' placement.
Most of it depends on environmental factors beyond my control, like whether her bedroom door has been left open, how quiet the street outside happens to be at the time, whether anyone in the building has their heating on etc. If last spring/summer is anything to go by though, there should be a few more opportunities to get clear catches like these.
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Re: My neighbour has a new boyfriend...

Post by sc0tt-uk »

Not really any backstory to speak of tonight - it was an easy, drama-free capture from my regular spot. Sounds like the bedroom door was ajar but not entirely open. I liked how urgent her breathing gets toward the end, and if you listen carefully there are a few moments throughout where you can hear her fingers working this time.

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